Xbox 360 How to Use Kinect voice commands


Aug 26, 2012
Kinect voice recognition system allows you to control your Xbox 360 console using voice commands. To start controlling the console with your voice, say Xbox. If the Kinect can recognize your voice, a microphone will appear at the bottom of the screen.

Now you can see the list of the items on screen. If you want to open an item, just utter the word or phrase written on the screen. For instance, if you want to open the disc drive, you can say “Xbox open try”.

Note: To open an item, you need to add the word Xbox before the word or phrase.

What to say to your Kinect

You can use the following words or phrases to give voice commands to your console:

  • If you need to go to the Home screen, you can say “Xbox go Home”
  • To play a disc, you can say “Xbox play disc”
  • If you want to go to a Dashboard area such Games or Social, you'll need to say, “Xbox Game” or “Xbox Social”
  • To search something on Bing, You need to say “Xbox Bing + what you want to search for”. You are only allowed to search on Bing if you are in the USA, Canada or UK and the language must be English as of September 2012.
  • To open or close the disc tray, you need to say “Xbox open tray” or “Xbox close tray”

You can also control your console with voice commands while watching videos or listening to music using apps such as Zune.

  • If you want to first forward a video, you'll need to say “Xbox fast-forward”
  • To rewind a video, you can say “Xbox rewind”
  • To play a music or video, you need to say “Xbox play”
  • To pause music or video, you need to say “Xbox pause”
  • You can go to the next item saying “Xbox next”
  • To skip back, you need to say “Xbox previous”

You can perform different controlling activities with your voice commands while watching a movie via the Zune movie app. For instance, you can move forward through the movie saying “Xbox fast forward” or you can move more quickly through the movie saying “Faster”.

You cannot perform all activities with the voice commands. It is not possible to turn on or off your console using voice commands. If you watch videos from My Videos or Windows Media Center, You’ll not be able to control the console using your voice. In addition, if you play a movie or music from a disc, you can not use voice commands.

Note: You might control individual Kinect games which support voice commands using your voice. You can recognize those games from the game manual or on-screen tips at the time of playing.
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