Well-Known Member
The Bureau still looks interesting to me. I just wonder how many of the complaints are "this is a bad game" and how many are just "this is just different from XCOM". Whenever there's a genre shift or something for a series, people will hate it just because it's different. So yeah, I wonder if it's just bad or just hated because it differs from the strategy of the main XCOM games. I'm not expecting it to be anything like the main XCOM games and I'm setting my expectactions low, might make like it better.
Still, I could do much worse for $1, so I think it's worth it to try it out myself.
I keep hearing it's bad but the people I hear it from are super duper over analytic about games and they cant really ENJOY games like I seem to be able to. When I play games I play for fun not to analyse every little aspect of it. They have some pretty awesome titles on there though I gotta say.