Original Xbox I never owned an Xbox - did I miss out on much?

Did anyone here play the kingdom under fire games on the original xbox,?

if not then you missed out BIG time they were the best gaming moments of my life I am a bit sad that kingdom under fire 2 wont be released for a while though ):
The Xbox was the best Microsoft console for exclusives in my opinion. It had Blinx, Halo, Shenmue II, Voodoo Vince, Fusion Frenzy, and the list goes on. The sixth generation really was a great time to be a gamer.

It really was a great time to be a gamer.

As far as if OP missed anything? Somewhat. It's not the same kind of "Did I miss anything" if you've never played owned PS2 or something.
Even though I mentioned differently in my earlier post, I do feel that how important the games are to you really determines whether or not you "missed" anything. You no more missed out than you did on anything else in life, since you can go grab yourself a console and get to playing : D
As far as if OP missed anything? Somewhat. It's not the same kind of "Did I miss anything" if you've never played owned PS2 or something.

That's the way I'd put it. You missed some stuff, but it wasn't a case of "I have to go get an Xbox and try all of this stuff!"
Just Halo as far as industry impact. Not the volume of experienced you would have missed if you skipped PS2 or N64
Well you missed out on the Live revolution. Other than that, there wasn't really much.
I think you missed out in the sense that you didn't get to experience it when it was released. What I mean is that with things like online multiplayer, it was pretty novel at the time. Of course, now every console has that so we've kind of taken it for granted but it was a pretty cool thing back then. It also had a pretty great library of games. IMO, it's not really worth getting one now.
I think you missed out in the sense that you didn't get to experience it when it was released. What I mean is that with things like online multiplayer, it was pretty novel at the time.

Basically you missed out on a piece of gaming history. Those moments are going to be far and few between this generation and the next few.
I had an orginal Xbox that didn't last very long...red ring of death. We had it replaced and then the replacement died about two weeks later. It was then that we made the move to PS2 and PS3. It wasn't until recently that we moved back to Xbox, and now have 2 xbox 360s in the house and no PS systems. I love the graphics, the responsiveness and the expansive title library that the 360 has to offer. I wish i'd stuck it out earlier in the Xbox system and found one that didn't tear up. I think in the long run I would have been happier.
On the bright side you jumped to a technically more dependable console brand that didn't
On the bright side you jumped to a technically more dependable console brand that didn't

That's true, PS2 was pretty damn dependable. You might have eventually gotten a laser issue or overheating with the slim, but that PS2 Phat was a tank.
I never owned an Xbox myself, though I was fortunate to play off from others, especially when I started going crazy playing Halo. I guess what others have stated already is that being part of that stage where console wars were clearly prevalent contributed to the novelty if you had the chance to experience it.

I remember in middle school where my friends would start going off on each other on which console was better, and a few that were PC elitists saying they’ll probably never have to worry about upgrading their PCs. It’s just being able to get into that experiential nostalgia where ideas and potential led to optimistic thinking.

Now, if you research a few articles on developers, CEOs, and such, you’ll see most of the “console wars” are literally feeding off of each other’s ideas. Heck, it wouldn’t be too surprising for some to have all of the main next-gen consoles because they realize each have their own strengths and weaknesses (i.e. Nintendo’s neutrality that’s allowed them to reach a broader audience).

It’s just that technology in gaming took a huge jump in such a short period of time, but that’s if you exclude looking at it from a PC gamer perspective. So the only thing you would really miss out on are obviously the hype, the experiential novelty with the console wars, and being part of the gregarious spirit with others that talked so much about which console was better than the other.
You missed out on some good stuff but i don't think you missed out big time, especially if you had other systems.
Well you missed out on the Live revolution. Other than that, there wasn't really much.

I wouldn't even say that OP missed on this so much since there wasn't an abundance of games that truly defined that experience...although there were more that defined online multiplayer on a console better than PS2's titles.
The thing that you missed and which is mentioned least by the ones saying you didn't miss much was the birth of the first modern gaming console and the first console built from the ground up for on line gaming. The Xbox on line games all had voice-chat. The Xbox was the first console with a built-in hard drive and the first console to be able to display games in HD. Popular on line multiplayer games like MechAssault, the Ghost Recon Series and The Rainbow Six Series, all made their on line console debut on the Xbox. Other popular single player games such as The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind first appeared on the console. Many superior versions of cross platform titles such as the GTA series also appeared on the console. In the quality of original content and it's on line capability, the Xbox was a generation ahead of it's nearest rival.
I had an orginal Xbox that didn't last very long...red ring of death. We had it replaced and then the replacement died about two weeks later. It was then that we made the move to PS2 and PS3. It wasn't until recently that we moved back to Xbox, and now have 2 xbox 360s in the house and no PS systems. I love the graphics, the responsiveness and the expansive title library that the 360 has to offer. I wish i'd stuck it out earlier in the Xbox system and found one that didn't tear up. I think in the long run I would have been happier.
Only the 360 got RROD. This thread is about the first Xbox.
You definitely missed out an awesome experience. Like you said Halo 1 and 2 were the best halos to ever be released in my opinion. And don't even get me started about Xbox live. The Xbox opened the world of online gaming for me. It's never too late to try the original Xbox.
Aside from Halo I think you missed Ninja Gaiden. Now it's multi platform but back then you can only have it on the Xbox so it was a pretty solid game. Yes you can play old Xbox games on your 360 so it's not much of a problem now.
I have never owned the original Xbox either. I don't think I missed out on a lot of games to be honest. As far as Halo is concerned, it's just not my cup of tea. I don't like it all that much.
you missed out on some really badass games. Check out the game Whacked!
it's like an adult game show meets fusion frenzy

it was only made for xbox. Also Mechassault is the bomb and it's also xbox only

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