Xbox One Is anyone else disappointed with the name: Xbox One ?

I was a little disappointed when I heard the name but I do understand they reason that they chose it. The Xbox 360 I called the 360. I'll probably call this one The Xbox.
I'm not complaining about the name, it doesn't really matter for me. As long as it performs well and satisfies my desires, it's all fine by me. It's better than calling it the Xbox 720 in my opinion. Heck, they can call it a black box for all I care.
I thought you didn't believe in marketing to begin with? The name is a reference to it being an all-in-one box; the genius in the marketing is that its now referred short-hand as "the one". Considering the tons of research and development money it was seen as the best option. People also hated the name XBOX because they thought naming it after Direct X was stupid. The same people through a fit when they heard Xbox 360 because of the whole "gaming revolution" bit. The name Playstation was also considered childish and gimmicky.

I don't believe in marketing. I hate it. That doesn't mean that I can't criticize the name of the console. I didn't like the name "xbox" either. I think "nintendo" is probably the coolest console name next to "dreamcast".
I actually hated 720 much like most of the Internet did. Infinity had a better ring to it.

I would have gone with infinity over 720 or One. I mean, what's next, xbox two? And xbox three afterwards? Are you going to text your friends and say, "hey, you wanna play some one?".
I would have gone with infinity over 720 or One. I mean, what's next, xbox two? And xbox three afterwards? Are you going to text your friends and say, "hey, you wanna play some one?".

Nah, I'm going to ask if they're down with O.P.P. Why? I'm sorry it's very late at night and that just seemed very funny to me. I apologize.
Yes, the name isn't catchy at all, but neither was 360. Name doesn't matter at all, but the services they provide, will matter for sure.
To be honest with you I am not to happy with the "ONE" name as well. I love Xbox, and the Games, but I believe that "ALL IN ONE" message could have been substituted with many other names that could have been found in the English dictionary. Such as: Xbox Infusion , Xbox Unity, Xbox Eternity, Xbox Express, Xbox Precise, Or MS could have stuck with what it was going to be called in the first place, which was "Xbox Infinity".
It may not matter for most of us, but for them it does matter a lot in terms of marketing. As a Communication and Multimedia design graduate, I find this name bad. There are a lot of things that come before the originality or the story behind a word or a slogan...
I never really cared what it was called at first, but now the name is starting to grow on me. I think I like it.

It's short, and straight to the point; I think it rolls of the tongue too.
Nah, I'm going to ask if they're down with O.P.P. Why? I'm sorry it's very late at night and that just seemed very funny to me. I apologize.

Well, it seems like the majority of the respondents agree that the name is a bad one. It sure leaves a lot to be desired. Esperahol, have we ever figured out what OPP really means? I sure have not. Please, illuminate us on this subject. LOL.
I dont think its bad, but it could be better! But I understand why the called it that! It doesn't matter about the name its about how it preforms and if it's a good console!
I dont think its bad, but it could be better! But I understand why the called it that! It doesn't matter about the name its about how it preforms and if it's a good console!

You have a point from a gamers point of view. But overall, the marketing (including the name) is a vital and important part of any product. Companies actually spend a great deal of money for marketing and branding of a name to be associated with their product. Imagine if a car company named their vehicle "The Vagina" or "The Used Condom". It could be the best car EVER, but wouldn't sell enough to pay their lot rent.

Of course I would buy one because I have issues. But normal people would avoid it lol. :)
Never thought of what it was called and really don't care. Its new and better,that's all I care about.
Well, it seems like the majority of the respondents agree that the name is a bad one. It sure leaves a lot to be desired. Esperahol, have we ever figured out what OPP really means? I sure have not. Please, illuminate us on this subject. LOL.

Other People's Property - which is more than likely how I'll be playing Xbone exclusives: on other people's Xbones.
The majority of those who liked the name are those who know its meaning, but guess want? There are over 80% who don't know what One means and they don't care, what they know is that the name sucks. There's also a funny fact, which is most of these 80% don't even care about the name, they just want to play :D