I thought you didn't believe in marketing to begin with? The name is a reference to it being an all-in-one box; the genius in the marketing is that its now referred short-hand as "the one". Considering the tons of research and development money it was seen as the best option. People also hated the name XBOX because they thought naming it after Direct X was stupid. The same people through a fit when they heard Xbox 360 because of the whole "gaming revolution" bit. The name Playstation was also considered childish and gimmicky.
I actually hated 720 much like most of the Internet did. Infinity had a better ring to it.
I would have gone with infinity over 720 or One. I mean, what's next, xbox two? And xbox three afterwards? Are you going to text your friends and say, "hey, you wanna play some one?".
Nah, I'm going to ask if they're down with O.P.P. Why? I'm sorry it's very late at night and that just seemed very funny to me. I apologize.
I dont think its bad, but it could be better! But I understand why the called it that! It doesn't matter about the name its about how it preforms and if it's a good console!
Well, it seems like the majority of the respondents agree that the name is a bad one. It sure leaves a lot to be desired. Esperahol, have we ever figured out what OPP really means? I sure have not. Please, illuminate us on this subject. LOL.