Is the gaming console a dying trend?

Console gaming is definitely not "dying". While it is true that the mobile phone games are on the rise, they are not detracting from the popularity or success-fullness of console gaming. This is because mobile phone users usually play their games outside of the house, where console gaming is not really possible (I'd say most console gaming occurs in the home). Console gaming has been a strong force in the gaming industry and I don't really see it slowing down anytime soon.
I doubt it will happen within a few generations, but consoles will gradually start feeling more and more like computers. It's already a bit of a misnomer to label them a "gaming console" rather than a multimedia machine, although I suppose it makes sense as that is the machine's primary purpose. Imagine if games on consoles start allowing keyboard/mouse control; then they might as well be the same platform.
Interesting, I do not think gaming consoles are a dying trend. Gamers have not seen a serious console since the Xbox 360 & ps3 2005/2006 respectively and being that most of the consoles break in some way or another get sold and bought by people who repair the consoles there must be many recycled console out there in circulation.

The mobile gaming boom I think is just a by product of having the capability in our hands. The gimmick to me is "look I can play games I would normally play on a console" and not a threat to gaming consoles.

Yes the wii's do well for kids group games however just of the top of my head recent popular game titles are rated 15 or 18 and not aimed for the smaller age groups, in my opinion we are just about to see the next boom in the gaming consoles market with the release of the long awaited next generation xbox/ps3
I don't see it dying out anytime soon if at all. Consoles offer too much in depth for something like smart phones to replace them. Consoles are also always being upgraded and now do way more than they use to so to me they are actually opening more doors to others.
I do believe console gaming is a dying trend. My former roommate had both a 360 and PS3 which he played all the time. He then got into PC gaming really heavy and even built his own PC. He said that the graphics were a lot better on the PC compared to consoles. Also, the games are about $40 cheaper new. There are also some games were more people are playing online on the PC than on consoles, which in turn makes the games funnier, in my opinion.

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