Xbox 360 Is your Xbox 360 dusty?

I find that my Xbox doesn't get as dirty when it's sitting vertically. I had to move it to make room, so I stood it up for once. I've never opened it up or anything, but once in a while I run the vacuum hose over the fan opening to get the surface dust off. Even when I'm not playing games, I use it to play DVDs because I don't have a DVD player. There's really no point in having both; it'd just be one more thing to dust off.
My Xbox has always been dirty. I mean, come on, I play Xbox. Isn't it a requirement to be lazy if you own an Xbox?
Mine doesn't get used as much as it used to because it's set up in a room I'm rarely in. I'm working on getting a TV in my room so it's not so dusty. ):
I haven't played my video games for a long time. I have just been busy with work and keeping in shape that I do not have as much time to play video games as I did, so yes my 360 is getting dusty.
Mine has a lot of dust built up at the back of it where the fans pull in air.
I thought that was from playing it as opposed to keeping it dust free as 'bogdanbogdys' says.

I've read somewhere that getting a hoover nozzle (attached to a working hoover) and running it along the vents is meant to clear it out. Whatever you do, don't blow it though, as that is meant to send all the dust into the rest of your 360 making not just a mess but causing potential damage by congesting fans etc.
My Xbox 360 use to be quite dusty. I think that the reason it was dusty was because I would have it on the floor whenever I played. So mine use to accumulate tons of dust.
It used to be until I found out it can damage it and so I clean it every weekend.
There's always a little dust in my Xbox. Even though I use it, dust always seems to accumulate. I have never cleaned it at all, maybe I should start doing it.
When I built my PC last year, I completely stopped using my 360 except for the occasional Halo match. So yeah, it is dusty.
^Same thing here sidd230,
Dust naturally accumulates on everything, regardless of whether you use it or not. So it's fine to have dust on your electronics. I haven't used my 360 for a long time though, so it probably has a lot of dust after keeping it under the TV in my living room for so long.
To be honest I never clean my Xbox 360, but it never gets dusty either. I think it is because of the location I have my Xbox 360 at. I think it has to do with the fact that the location never collects dust so neither will my 360. I honestly don't know though.
It was very dusty before my last cleaning, but now it's fairly dust-free. Since I no longer have a warranty on my console, I've taken it apart for a separate issue, but I thought I might as well kill two birds with one stone and deep clean it. I suppose I'll do a light cleaning on it every month or so, nobody wants a console heat death with dust as the culprit.
Mine's a dust magnet, too. I just don't have much time for gaming at all these days and the times I do are few and far between.
Mine is incredibly dusty as are all of my consoles. I'm a guy who lives alone so I don't really clean all that much. I don't mind that there is dust on the console. I haven't had a problem with the performance of the unit so I'll just let the dust sit there right on top of it. Not a big deal to me.
Nope. It's all pretty and white and lovely - because I can't let him get dusty. ..yes it's a Him with a name and everything. Yeah I have a problem, but I think we all were well aware of this. I'm going to for all intents and purposes walk away now.
What did you name him? While we are naming our xbox's, I guess I have one for mine. I name him Dusty. Because he is always dusty and will forever be that way. LOL.
Mine is incredibly dusty as are all of my consoles. I'm a guy who lives alone so I don't really clean all that much. I don't mind that there is dust on the console. I haven't had a problem with the performance of the unit so I'll just let the dust sit there right on top of it. Not a big deal to me.
I'm in the same boat as you are. I just leave my consoles as is, if there's a problem because of the for me.

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