Xbox One Jet camouflage [LARGE Image Inside]


Active Member
Oct 21, 2013
According to some leaked images BF4 will now have camouflages available for the jets and I guess most of vehicles will that this customization now.


What do you guys think? Is it a good idea? I just don't get it how will it work, when you enter a jet straight out of spawn menu it will change automatically? It will look clumsy from the outside.
its not a leak it was in the beta as well. it looks pretty sweet. it is the driver who determines the color/camo via the loadout/setup.
it was quite easy to see on the tanks and big helicopters. the camo also is avail for the guns as well.

i think the loadouts/battlepacks were highly over looked in the beta which is sad.. the more battlepacks you unlocked the more you could get as far as guns,attachments and ability to alter loadouts. what i didn't like was in te beta you had to be in game to alter loadouts for the class/vehicle this is where your death/respawn time was used. iirc you will be able to do this on tablet away from the console and have it ready to go for in game use.

i will say the blue camo on the tank looks kick @$$ when walking up to it.

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