Xbox 360 Kinect: Star Wars Achievements


Well-Known Member
Aug 28, 2012
Below are the achievements for Kinect: Star Wars, along with the number of achievement points you’ll receive and a summary on how to get each achievement.

Kinect Star Wars Achievement List

Wookiee Life Debt (40)
Completed all Kashyyyk missions in a single session, alone or with a friend
You will get this when you go through the main story and complete it on any difficulty. This means successfully completing all the 5 main missions in the story. These are not long missions; just go through the battle sequences and keep moving forward.

Who's Keeping Score? (25)
Completed all Providence missions in a single session, alone or with a friend
This should be easy since you can do it on any difficulty. Just ensure that you complete all the Providence missions in one sitting and this achievement will be yours.

Felucia In a Flash (25)
Completed all Felucia missions in a single session, alone or with a friend
This should be easy since you can do it on any difficulty. Just ensure that you complete all the Felucia missions in one sitting and this achievement will be yours.

Savior of Coruscant (50)
Completed the Jedi Adventures: Dark Side Rising campaign, alone or with a friend
This should be easy since you can do it on any difficulty. Just ensure that you complete all the Jedi Adventures: Dark Side Rising missions in one sitting and this achievement will be yours.

Two-For-One Discount (10)
Defeated at least two droids with a single use of Force powers, alone or with a friend
You can get this achievement in Providence 3. Once you start the level, pick up droids using your force powers and throw them to your left. They will hit the window and suck out other droids.

Teras Kasi (10)
Defeated an enemy by kicking them off a ledge, alone or with a friend
You will get this in Felucia 4- You will start the level without your lightsaber. You will have to jump down to a ship where you will meet some enemies. Kick at the enemies and they will fly over the side into the water.

The Force That Binds (20)
Completed a co-op Jedi Adventures ground combat mission with neither player being knocked out
You have to be very careful when playing for this achievement to ensure that you complete a Jedi Adventures ground combat mission with a friend without any of you getting knocked out.

You May Fire When Ready (20)
Destroyed all shield arrays in a single pass on Felucia Mission 5, alone or with a friend
This is a story-related achievement. It is easy to get because the main aim of Felucia Mission 5 is to destroy the shield arrays. Listen carefully and destroy the shield rays when prompted. There will be many ships flying around that you also have to destroy but concentrate on the shields first to unlock this achievement.

Don't Get Cocky (40)
Completed all four Space Combat missions without restarting, alone or with a friend
To get this achievement, you have to complete the following levels; Kashyyyk 6, Providence 1, Felicia 5 and Felicia 6. You can load up Kashyyyk 6 and play until you finish Providence 1. After that, Quit to Menu and load up Felucia 5 and go all the way until you finish Felucia 6 to unlock this achievement.

It's a Trap! (20)
Completed Providence Mission 1 without your ship being destroyed, alone or with a friend
This is a very easy achievement to get if you can avoid getting hit. Start by shooting all the turrets first, and then the ships.

Well, Wookiee There! (10)
Destroyed 10 Trandoshan slave ships while escaping from Kashyyyk, alone or with a friend
You will see the Trandoshan slave ships flying across the screen while you are escaping. Just shoot everything you can see on the screen. Ensure that you get 10 of them in one pass in order to unlock the achievement.

Decapitalized (20)
Destroyed the Subjugator-class Capital ship, alone or with a friend
This is story related and cannot be missed. The main purpose of this mission is to destroy the ship, which will also earn you the achievement. This is easy; just concentrate fire on the turrets and the shields.

Sorry About the Mess (15)
Defeated 13 enemy speeders in the Kashyyyk forest speederbike level, alone or with a friend
This can be done in single-player but is much easier in co-op. You will be riding a speederbike and Speeders will follow you and cut you off. Destroy 13 of them in one run and you will unlock the achievement.

To the Rescue (15)
Reached the Jedi training camp on Kashyyyk, alone or with a friend
This is story related and cannot be missed. You will earn it naturally as you progress through the story. The moment you reach the Jedi training camp on Kashyyyk, the achievement will unlock.

The Shield Is Down! (15)
Disabled the Commerce Guild fortress shield, alone or with a friend
This is story-related and cannot be missed. You will earn it naturally as you progress through the story. Once you reach the Commerce Guild fortress, disable the shield in order to unlock this achievement.

Wookiee Wingman (15)
Teamed up with a friend to complete a speeder bike chase in 2-player co-op mode
Get a friend and replay the Kashyyyk Speederbike level in 2-player co-op mode. You can also take this opportunity to get the “Sorry About the Mess” achievement if you can also destroy 13 speeders in the process.

Duels Mode Unlocked (10)
Completed the Jedi Adventures Duels tutorial, alone or with a friend
This is story-related and cannot be missed. It will be the first achievement you earn in the story mode. Just go through the tutorial and once it is over, the achievement will pop.

Now Face the Chosen One (15)
Defeated Ror with a Jedi Knight rating, alone or with a friend
You will get this in Story mode. Defeat Ror in less than 2 minutes and you will earn a Jedi Knight rating and unlock the achievement.

Only a Master of Evil (25)
Completed the Vader Duel with a Jedi Master rating, alone or with a friend
You will need to concentrate on the multipliers and getting perfect blocks/parries. Your attack times will be changing between white, yellow for ‘great’ and green for ‘perfect’. You have to react quickly and get your arm in position when Vader is attacking. You will earn extra time when you get three blocks or parries in a row. You will also get a full-house when you block, parry and then evade (in any order).

Untouchable (30)
Completed any Duel without taking a single hit, alone or with a friend
The best way to get this is on the Lightsaber Battles game mode. The first character is the easiest so you should start dueling with him. During the Lightsaber Duels, build your ‘Time Bar’ by blocking your opponent’s attacks and then unleash a series of attacks on him. For this achievement, it is easier if you play solo.

Mastering the Juyo Form (20)
Completed any Duel in less than 3 minutes, alone or with a friend
You can get this by completing the first duel using blocks or parries. It is possible to use blocks all the way and beat it in just over 2 minutes. With parries, you can make it in under one-and-a-half minutes. If you have enough skills, you can also go for the “Untouchable” achievement at the same time.

Sleemo! (40)
Destroyed 3 enemy Podracers in a single race, alone or with a friend
The easiest way to achieve this is by selecting Quick Race and changing the race settings to 3 laps. Pick a podracer with either a flamethrower or the turret droid as one or both of your powerups. If you use Sebulba’s podracer, you will also get the ‘Arch-rivals’ achievement.

Arch-Rivals! (10)
Raced with Sebulba's Podracer, alone or with a friend
Beat the Pod Racer Destiny once on any difficulty and beat Sebulba in the final race so that you unlock him for use in Quick Play. You can now select him and start the race. It is not a must that you make it through the whole race as the achievement will unlock before the countdown. You can do this and the ‘Sleemo’ achievement together.

Bantha Poodoo (10)
Crossed the finish line last in a race, alone or with a friend
This must be one of the easiest achievements to get. Just finish last in any race and you will earn it.

Unlimited Power! (10)
Used a fully upgraded powerup in Podracing at least once, alone or with a friend
If you choose to use a fully upgraded powerup, you can get this during normal podracing story progression. As long as you win all the races, you will unlock enough powerup upgrades. Then, when the race starts, just put up one arm straight in the air and it will trigger the powerup.

Hot Potato (10)
Made a creature or droid jump to an enemy vehicle in Podracing, alone or with a friend
During a race, you have the option of flicking droids and other creatures off your podracer. To do this, pick up a creature from the track and make a throwing motion with one of your arms, depending on where the creature is. If there is another pod close by, the creature will generally fly from one of your boosters to one of the enemies.

You Must Have Jedi Reflexes (15)
Won all Destiny races in one sitting, with racing line & drive assist off, alone or with a friend
Getting this achievement may take several attempts so here is the best way to go about it: Start a new save slot and choose a different character from the one you normally use. Disable all assists when you are setting up initial settings and choose Rookie Difficulty level. Go through the tutorial with the racing line enabled, then when the race is about to start, disable the racing line. Finish first in the race and the achievement will be yours.

Ben-Hur, Done That (10)
Completed the Podracing Destiny as a Rookie, alone or with a friend
This is quite easy. Just select Rookie level and ensure you complete all the six races. Each race is only one lap and you will find yourself winning all of them without any problem.

Sky Walker (20)
Completed the Podracing Destiny as a Professional, alone or with a friend
Select Professional level and ensure you complete all the 6 races. Each race is 2 laps on this difficulty so be ready for a bit of challenge.

Boonta Clause (30)
Completed the Podracing Destiny as a Veteran, alone or with a friend
Select Veteran Difficulty and ensure you finish all the 6 races. There are 3 laps in each race, so probably you will have to take a rest in between. You can make things easier by enabling the driving line and full assists to help you with the steering.

Now this is Podracing! (10)
Won a race for the first time in the Podracing Destiny, alone or with a friend
Simply win your first race in Destiny and you will easily unlock this achievement.

The Only Human Who Can Do It (15)
Placed first in 3 Podraces in a row in a single session, alone or with a friend
Win three races in a row to earn this achievement. Make sure you remain within the Kinect sensor’s view all the time during the cutscenes so that it registers you as being present all the time.

Catch-22 (20)
Completed 2 two-player races
Get a friend to help you earn this easy achievement. Select Quick play and finish two races back-to-back in 2-player and it will be done.

Crowd Control (20)
Knocked down 15 people or droids in one attack, alone or with a friend
When you are in the first city of Mos Eisley, plow through a crowd of people using your charge attack. Alternatively, you can jump up in the air and slam your fists down on the ground to knock people down and unlock the achievement.

Very Very Angry (10)
Played Rancor Rampage Fury in co-op mode
As you progress through the levels, you will unlock various perks and game modes. You can first obtain Fury Mode at level 3. Get a friend to play with you on Fury Mode and cause as much destruction as possible within the allotted time to unlock the achievement.

Angry World Traveler (10)
Played any map at level 5 or higher in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend
You have to progress through the game and ranks until you reach level 5. You reach this level by completing all the challenges along the way. You will get more points if you complete a challenge within the shortest time possible. Once you reach the required amount of points, the achievement will unlock.

Witness the Power (10)
Used all special attacks in 1 mode in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend
You will get this achievement when you use all your special attacks once in any level. The first level will guide you through most of these, but you need to use Rage attack also in order to get it. Wait for your Rage meter to fill up and then hold both arms above your head to get a power boost. The special attacks that you will have to use are; clap, charge, smash, smoosh, munch, throw and rage.

Fighter Ace (20)
Destroyed 5 TIE fighters in 1 mode in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend
As you progress further in the game, you will unlock new enemies who will try and stop you. The Tie Fighters are the Alert Level 4 enemies. You can get this achievement easily on the first level (Mos Eisley) if you stand next to the Shield Base. The Tie Fighters must come through the alleyway as they avoid hitting the building. Stand there with your arms up and you will destroy them when they run into you.

One Up, Two Down (10)
In Rancor Rampage, leveled a Felucian Heavy Missile Platform in 1 throw, alone or with a friend
When playing Felucia level, the Heavy Missile Platform refers to the flying disc-like vehicle that will arrive at Alert level 4. Pick up a person or droid and throw it at the vehicle while it is still at a distance before it starts attacking you. You may have to make several attempts before you can unlock the achievement.

Rebel Commando (10)
Knocked out the shield of the Imperial garrison in Mos Eisley, alone or with a friend
During Mos Eisley level, choose the Coloi Rancor and enter the large grey structure northwest of your starting point. You will see a large tower with purple beams coming from it. Jump over the purple beams and destroy the tower to unlock the achievement.

Tusken Raider Revenge (20)
Destroyed all Podracers in Mos Espa in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend
During Mos Espa level, there will be a podrace going on while you are smashing up things. Stand in the middle of the track and ensure you take them all out to unlock the achievement.

Down with the Royals (10)
Destroyed every statue in Theed in Rancor Rampage in 1 session, alone or with a friend
There are statues all over the city that you have to destroy for this achievement. Start on the left and clear the area and then head to the right and do the same. Next, head upstairs and follow the same strategy. Ignore the challenges for now until you unlock this achievement.

One Buffed Dude (30)
Played any map at level 10 in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend
You have to progress through the game and ranks until you reach level 10. You reach this level by completing all the challenges along the way. You will get more points if you complete a challenge within the shortest time possible. Once you reach the required amount of points, the achievement will unlock.

The Real Force in the Galaxy (20)
Played the Coloi Rancor, alone or with a friend
This is an unlockable Rancor that is found in level 8. Once you reach level 8, select this Rancor and then start a map. You can choose to pursue this achievement together with the ‘Rebel Commando’ achievement.

I'm Invincible! (30)
Completed Mos Espa without losing a life in Rancor Rampage, alone or with a friend
Make sure you play very carefully and avoid a life during Rancor Rampage mode. You can make it easier by playing with a friend, so that you divide the number of enemies between the two of you.

I Just Wanna Dance (10)
Completed your first song in co-op mode
This is very simple. Just grab your friend and dance away. Nothing else is required. The achievement will pop.

Going Somewhere, Solo? (50)
Completed "I'm Han Solo" without losing a multiplier, alone or with a friend
For this achievement, make sure you keep dancing and busting the moves so that you keep your multiplier going. The achievement will unlock.

This Party's Over (40)
Earned 5 stars playing “Celebration” on extended difficulty, alone or with a friend
You have to dance faultlessly in order to get 5 stars on a song. Make sure you match the gestural prompts and master the timing if you want to succeed in this. For this achievement, you have to earn 5 stars while dancing to the song ‘Celebration’ and it will unlock.

We Got Company! (20)
Earned 5 stars each on a song while playing with another person in co-op mode
You have to dance faultlessly in order to get 5 stars on a song. Make sure you match the gestural prompts and master the timing if you want to succeed in this. For this achievement, get a friend to dance with you and you will eventually earn it.

The Chosen One (30)
Scored at least 500,000 points on any song on the Death Star, alone or with a friend
Once you have progressed far enough in the game, you will unlock Death Star level. By this time, you will have mastered the game well enough to complete a song and get at least 500,000 points needed to unlock this achievement.
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