Xbox One Metal Gear Goes Dark


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
So this is obvious to anybody that has been keeping up with the game so far, but The Phantom Pain is noticeably darker and more gruesome than any of the previous Metal Gear Solid games. The brutal torture scenes, Big Boss' descent into insanity in his quest for revenge, shocking scenes such as the bomb removal in Ground Zeroes, the child soldiers... what we've seen of the trailers alone is much darker than most of the previous games.

Is anybody else really hyped because of this? It seems that Kojima is taking advantage of the open world style, too, so I think that the silly, offbeat humor of the series will be mostly left to side and extra ops, which will allow the main story to be as mature and serious as it needs to be.

I really can't wait to play this game and the more serious, darker story is one of the biggest reasons. Specially the development of Big Boss' character and demon theme they have going for him right now.
I'm looking forward to a far darker Metal Gear game. Dark stories done well are hard to beat, and this game could be one that truly impresses most of the audience and critics, which is always hard to do. I'm just ready to play some more Metal Gear, really.
You really think it's gotten darker? It's always been pretty dark but it's the first time we've had such detail for any of the metal gear games.
I think that it has gotten darker and that I really think that this is good for the game. I have been watching a few videos on the game and I will tell you that from what I have seen that I am really impressed thus far. The only thing that I can think of that I saw when I was watching videos of the game that I really did not like was the balloon thing that you could hook up and send things into the sky but the other things in the game are cool to me.
The brutal torture scenes,

Unlike MGS and MGS3? I don't really agree too much. Yes it may be a little more dire and pessimistic than previous games, but not to any large degree. The previous games had very depressing subject matters, but they were often glossed over or overshadowed in tone by the generally overplayed and tongue-in-cheek nature of the game.
The brutal torture scenes,

Unlike MGS, MGS2 and MGS3?

child soldiers

MGS2 brought that up too.

I don't really agree with the idea that MGSV seems to be that much darker. Yes it may be a little more dire and pessimistic than previous games, but not to any large degree. The previous games had very depressing subject matters, but they were often glossed over or overshadowed in tone by the generally overplayed and tongue-in-cheek nature of the game.
I don't know about it being darker because what has been shown so far seems to be suggesting otherwise. From the gameplay, looks like the game's still going for that absurd kind of humor with the cardboard box and the fulton. Whatever it is, we'll find out once the game is out and the story revealed.
Well when I got a glimpse of "that scene" in Ground Zeroes I was pretty surprised as well.
Sure the Metal Gear has always have a dark tone, what's with the war theme and all. But this is actually a first that they get so ......"graphical" ?
Mentioning the scene in details might spoil the game for some, so I will just leave it at there.
But yeah, seeing Phantom Pain is kind of the second part of Ground Zeroes, I am expecting a lot more violence.
Didn't Kojima mentioned it will be covering some rather controversial themes as well?

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