Xbox One Metal Gear taking back its throne from splinter cell?


New Member
Aug 12, 2013
It has been quite a while since I have wanted to play a metal gear game
anything with raiden in it is pretty much a big no for me. and while metal gear has gotten off track with their
games and strayed from snake. Splinter Cell has only gotten stronger, the game play is more enjoyable,
Sam now learned how to fight when he runs out of ammo ect.
But now that Snake is back! and looks like he had a harder life than a straight guy at a Kathy Griffin special
not to mention a full open world to let him reek havoc and wreck hell in.
I feel that this time snake will finally knock sam out of the spot lite again.
as long as raiden stays away metal gear has a chance.
That's good enthusiasm, though be that as it may, Metal Gear Solid never lost its throne to Splinter Cell. Just looking at the numbers, even the best selling Splinter cell game (the first one, actually) sold 3m and the most recent one, Conviction, sold 2m. By comparison, MGS 1-4 have sold 4m-6m each. Revengeance was just a spinoff game anyway, and not a Solid game.

Well, the new MGS will feature Big Boss, and the new Splinter Cell really mainly has Sam in the mentor role (so who knows if he's mainly playable), so its not quite a Snake vs Sam hear-to-head in the next gen, but I know both games will be lots of fun anyway. I'm getting both at least.
First off, in order to "take back" the throne, it would have had to lose it in the first place. Splinter Cell has never became predominant over Metal Gear in popularity or sales. Therefore, Splinter Cell never had the "throne" at all.
I have to agree with OP about the fact that everything raiden related is a big no. And now that MGS with snake multi-plataform it will finally be able to compete with splinter cell. Story wise I always preferred MGS to almost every tactical spy game, it's always really innovative from game to game.
Didn't even bother reading the entire first post, since it seems put together with no information at all. Metal Gear Solid has never lost it's throne, or even came close. Both are two similar, but entirely different at the same time. MGS has, and always will be far more open and expansive, while Splinter Cell was incredibly linear. You said that any game with Raiden was a no-no for you, yet only two have featured him. One being MGS2, and the other being Rising. BOTH, of which tell a crucial part of the MGS story line. Albeit Rising was a little hilarious and over the top, it still explains where Raiden had been during the events of the other games. Any and all of the characters from MGS are important, and even though some are ridiculous, no one from Splinter Cell can even come close. So, just wanted to throw in my 2 Cents and say that in order for MGS to take back it's throne, it would have had to lose it in the first place, in which it didn't come anywhere near.
I think Hideo Kojima has inspired several games before the Metal Gear Solid 5. Splinter Cell should be an inspiration to me.

If you want the game to be epic, we must do this. There are also full of other influences I think.

Since the first time I saw Metal Gear Solid 5, I knew that this game would stand out from any other game. And for the first time, the game will be played on Xbox.

Anyway, most of the players are MGS on Playstation.
I hope this one will be really difficult. That's what makes me remember the most games.

As expected, you can be sure that the script will be epic.
And for the first time, the game will be played on Xbox..

Uh, Metal Gear Solid 2, 3, and Peace Walker were all released in an HD collection on the 360 quite a while ago. So, no, it's not the first time it will be played on the Xbox. Also, no offense, but it really seems like you just did some kind of google translate on what you said. Cant' really understand half of it.

Metal Gear Solid 1 and all the following games weren't exactly "Really difficult." unless you made it so, in my opinion. Sure, some were a bit crazy like "Setting off the alarm ends the game." but that's all more along the lines of a challenge. The new Metal Gear is only going to be as difficult as someone makes it for themselves. The difference now being that players can CHOOSE how to go about objectives, and when. (Day or Night). So someone can go in full guns a'blazin, grenades flying everywhere, explosions all over. OR, they can choose the classic approach and try to get in and out without being seen, heard, or leave ANY kind of bread crumbs.

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