Xbox One Microsoft Disputes Notion PS4 is 30% More Powerful than Xbox One

I really don't think I will matter in the end as well since they are capping the frames per second. Now if they uncapped it then yes ps4 would have upper hand due to better gpu and memory. But since its not they will play the same :). Just my two cents.
Sony and Xbox both are too concerned with saying who has the more 'powerful' machine. It really doesn't matter. They'll both play all the games I need them to, and they'll do it fine, provided one of them isn't a major downgrade. Who cares how powerful they are? Especially when you're getting into numbers like 30%. Microsoft is looking kind of childish here by refuting such an insignificant claim. It makes them look insecure, I guess.

Not just Sony and Xbox, but a lot of the consumer base as well. There is a lot of credence being given to "the more powerful" system, but the reality is, the difference will be too minuscule for us to notice. I know some people are really into specs and gear and whatnot, but they don't get as much catered to them as the average purchaser.
I found this today while attempting to find more information on ps4 gddr5 vs xb1 gddr3 + esram + direct x.

It is a good read and wrote by Alex Glass provided by ( It also has a video provided by channel 9 where Speakers: Charles Hollemeersch, Matt Sandy talk about Massive Virtual Textures for Games: Direct3D Tiled Resources.

I figured since we were discussing the difference between ps4 and xb1 hardware this would give us a good insight as to how Microsoft and game developers may utilize the xbox one.
I found this today while attempting to find more information on ps4 gddr5 vs xb1 gddr3 + esram + direct x.

It is a good read and wrote by Alex Glass provided by ( It also has a video provided by channel 9 where Speakers: Charles Hollemeersch, Matt Sandy talk about Massive Virtual Textures for Games: Direct3D Tiled Resources.

I figured since we were discussing the difference between ps4 and xb1 hardware this would give us a good insight as to how Microsoft and game developers may utilize the xbox one.

hey hey hey, pretty good find. looking at it now