Xbox One Microsoft Passed on PS4-exclusive Rime

They could have just owned the game. Now Rime will just be a PS exclusive. Something that I will be enjoying on my PS4.

That's something MSFT doesn't want to see. "Something I will be enjoying on my PS4". Well, MSFT, another PS4 fan is happy.
Well well, MSFT. ragnafable11 is a happy PS4 fan. Better up your game before more PS4 gamers are happy! (being sarcastic, by the way).
Haha. I have PS4 as well and Xbox One. both are great consoles, but microsoft didn't get some cool games that sony has now. Well Rime is one of them.
I'm looking forward to Rime but I'm not surprised to see Microsoft pass on it. Games like that have never done that well on Xbox's. The majority of the audience doesn't respond to it. Hopefully Microsoft continues on expanding what genres they have on their systems.
I hope they can. that would mean a better selection of games and more sales for them.
This does look pretty darn good. I love games that make me think, kind of like Braid, Limbo, Myst, etc. I'll definitely be checking this out on the PS4 when it comes out.
Sounds like a plan. Maybe I'll get it too but for myself. I'd love to try how this game will turn out to be.
This does look pretty darn good. I love games that make me think, kind of like Braid, Limbo, Myst, etc. I'll definitely be checking this out on the PS4 when it comes out.

Yeah, who wouldn't. I mean I have this on my list of things to buy for my PS4.
Sounds like a plan. Maybe I'll get it too but for myself. I'd love to try how this game will turn out to be.

I'll buy this one for myself, haha. I love the way they made this game. It's simple yet it catches your attention.
I'm looking forward to Rime but I'm not surprised to see Microsoft pass on it. Games like that have never done that well on Xbox's. The majority of the audience doesn't respond to it. Hopefully Microsoft continues on expanding what genres they have on their systems.

I guess it's got a lot do with their audience, yeah, you're right. Then I guess users here in this forum are of the minority, and MSFT had to satisfy the masses.
It just shows that MSFT had to play it safe. Sony is always up for the risk. That's why sometimes, I applaud Sony to risk it all even if the profit isn't gonna big on that.
That's what I'm taking about. Sony has a better chance of getting more attention and more sales because they always take the risk. Unlike Microsoft who is always laid back.
Then that's why Sony always have a lot of those "cult" games. The kind of games that have so much value and yet they're never noticed by the masses. Sony always go for the risk when they can. That's why in a way, Sony has diversity in their selection of games. Even Moore admits (or at least he implied) he regrets ever turning the game down, so I guess MSFT has to at least take some risks.
That's why sometimes, Sony rocks in my book. Even if they know the risk will make them lose money, they still have something nice in return: the awesome games.
Sony is always my top company when it comes to consoles but I gave Xbox One a chance since I've played Xbox and 360 before. I think depending on the management (since they made a change recently) we might see some improvements.
Yeah, I hope to see improvements too. After all, Xbox came into the world when the PS2 came into the world so MSFT is still getting their thing on for now. Better hope they can at least take some risks.
Yeah, agreed. Risks are part of business, they have to take the initiative to do it.
Yeah, I hope to see improvements too. After all, Xbox came into the world when the PS2 came into the world so MSFT is still getting their thing on for now. Better hope they can at least take some risks.

Yeah men. You're right. Sony was already in this business since the 90s, so they know the risks. MSFT came into the world early 00s, so they've yet to really hit it good with exclusives.

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