Xbox One Microsoft will "aggressively challenge" any government attempt to spy through Kinect

It's nice and all that they say they would stop anyone from trying to use the Kinect to spy on people but as others have said it's not really that easy. There could be a law that changes it so that Microsoft is required to allow it but not admit it, or someone could possibly just hack into it and spy that way. I guess the only real way they could guarantee that people would not be spied on is if it wasn't something you had to have with your Xbox One.
The patriot act would allow the government to do whatever they wanted with the kinect, and if Microsoft said no, well -- that's treason.

The land of the free.
A shame for any malicious government program (not saying such things exist, except perhaps that scare with the NSA tracking and spying on your every online move) that, at least in Canada and the US, we live in something called a democracy where, should the majority of citizens be troubled by the secrecy surrounding such paranoia-laced programs, one can expect impeachments everywhere. The patriot act itself does not allow the government to do whatever it wants, that's a little something called totalitarianism. Even if it could, the media would rip it to shreds, fry it up, toss it in a boiling pot of hyperbole, and dump the issue in a street corner before it even has a chance to become that big of a problem.

The only reason Microsoft is vocalizing their promise to "aggressively challenge government spying" is because people, both conspiracy theorists, crackpots, and sensible people alike, are scared of the mystery surrounding the changes in hardware and function, when in fact it is nothing new. The Kinect is no more dangerous in spying on people than your computer webcam is. Let's try to be a little rational here, people.
I really do think Microsoft needs to identify and then immediately fire whatever idiots were put in charged of this system. I mean - the "family share" is basically just demo share copied from Sony, this Kinect thing is sheeving out all the people who do less than legal things around their 360, and the PR for this rig has been failtastic. Seriously, why didn't anyone review any of this or poll people about this before release time started coming up?

What is more amazing is how some people thought it was a good idea. Are there that many people that would simply buy stuff without even looking at it first? I ain't saying they are all completely bad ideas, but damn, review the market first and see if that is what people, at least the majority, really wants.
That;s the thing which worries me the most. I mean, I sure as hell wouldn't want myself to be recorded while I am making out with someone. Come one, find a way out to turn this obnoxious thing off already. To be honest, this is the only thing which makes me wanna cancel my Xbox One pre-order.

Don't we all know how evil these guys are are. They have jeopardized our personal data and interests with the government in the past and will continue to do so in future.

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