Xbox One Mighty No. 9 New Alpha Footage - Bosses Revealed!

For me there's still hope for this game. Who knows this just might be a game to debut the new Megaman game soon.

Yeah... but after what they did, cancelling Mega Man Legends 3, I've lost all hope already. Capcom done nothing but disappoint Mega Man fans everywhere. They think they're doing US a favor? PUH-LEASE.
Yeah... but after what they did, cancelling Mega Man Legends 3, I've lost all hope already. Capcom done nothing but disappoint Mega Man fans everywhere. They think they're doing US a favor? PUH-LEASE.

Ahhh... Mega Man Legends 3. That was Capcom's best chance to win over the crowd. But no... they cancelled it. There was a potential for it and then they just cancelled it. And you know what happens? They release new games and they become suck-butts. What happened to you Capcom? What happened?
Yeah... but after what they did, cancelling Mega Man Legends 3, I've lost all hope already. Capcom done nothing but disappoint Mega Man fans everywhere. They think they're doing US a favor? PUH-LEASE.

Oh yeah. That time when they cancelled Mega Man Legends 3. I still wonder to this very day why they even did that.
Yeah, same here. I guess someone from their group begged not to release megaman.

They did so much. They had voice actors, they had gameplay... and then they did that. What happens after all that? They release some games that weren't successful in their book. Capcom's really got to get it together.
They did so much. They had voice actors, they had gameplay... and then they did that. What happens after all that? They release some games that weren't successful in their book. Capcom's really got to get it together.

Haha. I know man. They got to take this seriously. We all want to see megaman back right?
*SIGH* you're right, and that's the sad part. All they ever did when this was released this joke was it was to celebrate the legacy using their cutesy, graceful words. But yeah, behind all those words of deception, they just wanted to use Mega Man's legacy as a new way to promote Street Fighter again. MAN.

Gotta get that Super Street Fighter Ultra Special Extreme Remix promoted somehow.

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