Xbox One Most disappointing game so far?

i am not super dissapointed in the game but more me.. destiny was allot of hype... i bought in fully... pre order/expansion.. its a good game but its basically halo4.5 bungie just cant seem to not be halo.. play mechanics, the jump, the cpu enemies its all very halo and very reskin.. id about put money on halo5 being very identical to destiny and the guarden bundle as well as far as mechanics..

i do like destiny but im alrady in the meh mode.. allot is controllled where you can only equip a certin amount of exotics and guns the storage is way to small and well everything is 100% predictable in game mode.. spawns happen same spots they act the same every time..
The most disappointing game that I think that I had high hopes for was Titanfall also because the game creators did not make many game modes to further extend the games message and make it a more fun and playable game. I also thought that the graphics for the Xbox 360 and Xbox One were merely identical to myself. Now I was expecting something better than Call Of Duty where more skill would be placed and needed, everyone gets a titan which is something I do not like because than it opens the door for a younger audience and places the game in the same category as Call Of Duty, the reason Call Of Duty is I think is a child game because the weapons and I think the spawns. I think if it was for other gaming consoles it would increases its popularity and many more people could be introduced to the game but Microsoft clearly did it for marketing reasons. I could be wrong about my choice of game but this is my opinion and I have not been swayed by anyone else.

Yeah I thought Titanfall was really something when it got released. But turns out it's the same crap. Also Destiny is suffering from it's hype right now. It's not really a bad game but the way it was praised was really right out that I expected something really cool.
Yeah I thought Titanfall was really something when it got released. But turns out it's the same crap. Also Destiny is suffering from it's hype right now. It's not really a bad game but the way it was praised was really right out that I expected something really cool.

what is scarry with destiny is they say they want to support it for 10 years... but than say they are going to release a destiny2 and 3 down the line.. so are you just holding server space for 10 years or are you going to actually support the game content,expansions.. they sold destiny as a mmo/hybrid game imo.. i bought it hook line and sinker... my thoughts were a developer is going to get it right and follow the wow formula.. 1 game with big expansions that do cost but its the same game.. so i may invest 200 in the game over 5 years but its going to be a huge game..

after seeing that destiny already has the first expansion pack on disk just locked im more than worried.. its nothing new they are just opening areas and a few strikes to existing content.. so again they pulled already developed content to use as dlc/expansion..

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