Well-Known Member
i am not super dissapointed in the game but more me.. destiny was allot of hype... i bought in fully... pre order/expansion.. its a good game but its basically halo4.5 bungie just cant seem to not be halo.. play mechanics, the jump, the cpu enemies its all very halo and very reskin.. id about put money on halo5 being very identical to destiny and the guarden bundle as well as far as mechanics..
i do like destiny but im alrady in the meh mode.. allot is controllled where you can only equip a certin amount of exotics and guns the storage is way to small and well everything is 100% predictable in game mode.. spawns happen same spots they act the same every time..
i do like destiny but im alrady in the meh mode.. allot is controllled where you can only equip a certin amount of exotics and guns the storage is way to small and well everything is 100% predictable in game mode.. spawns happen same spots they act the same every time..