Most Overrated PS2 Game?

Gaming sites generally overhype a game. On occasion the hype is adequate and rarely do they underhype it to where you say "That game was amazing! Why didn't IGN and co. gamegasm over that?"
Gaming sites generally overhype a game. On occasion the hype is adequate and rarely do they underhype it to where you say "That game was amazing! Why didn't IGN and co. gamegasm over that?"

This is so true.
Final Fantasy XII was the beginning of the end for me on the Final Fantasy front. I don't know what happened, but after that, the franchise seemed to go downhill. I don't know if there was a core writer lost or what. No FF game has snagged me past X.

Going super way back...who remembers the hype for Legend of Dragoon? That was ridiculous!
I'd say FFX was the end for me. I appreciated FFXII because it was it like some of the fantasy returned to Final Fantasy, but I haven't been able to get back into it. Plus it's mostly a movie RPG now.

I do remember the hype around Legend of Dragoon from the magazines and that didn't really translate into sales. The game was good though.
Probably God Hand. It has grown into a cult classic of sorts, but I've played it and did not find it anything special. It isn't bad, but it is definitely overrated. I also don't think Killer 7 is worthy of the praise I've seen it receive in some gaming communities.
Probably God Hand. It has grown into a cult classic of sorts, but I've played it and did not find it anything special. It isn't bad, but it is definitely overrated. I also don't think Killer 7 is worthy of the praise I've seen it receive in some gaming communities.

Cult classics are, by definition , underrated but with a small and almost obsessive fanbase. They're not well known enough to be overrated.
I don't feel Killer 7 is overrated. It's in the proper space as far as praise is concerned. Not overhyped, not underrated. It's well liked, but not exalted as being "a game that defines a genre/generation". I've always thought God Hand was a mixed bag. It wasn't so much overrated as it had potential to be more than it was (much like Capcom's other game Beat Down). People like the game, but like Killer 7 it's not being exalted.

I will agree that it's seen as something as a cult game. Not a cult classic exactly, but Suda 51's games generally fall in that category dating back to that one ending to a Fire Pro Wrestling game where the hero kills himself.
I didn't care for Killer 7, but I've never considered the game overrated. It just has a diehard following.
Okay, I see your point. Those are cult games and thus not overrated.

Maybe Black then. If I remember correctly the game was well received at the time, but to me it was just a dreadfully boring and repetitive game with some remarkable explosions.
I remember there being a little hoopla over Black. When I played it I didn't see what all the fuss was about. I feel it was overhyped for what it presented.
I remember it was a FPS and it was on PS2 and I want to say Xbox...? I know it had some buzz around it in magazines and on GameFAQs at the time it was released, but that's all I remember.
You'd be right. It looked good for the PS2 and there was nothing wrong with the gameplay, but there was nothing special about it in a time when COD, Medal of Honor, Rainbow Six, etc. were popping up.
It was also released for the PS2. I remember at the time existing some hype around it since it was developed by Criterion, the developers of the amazing Burnout series.


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