

Mar 15, 2013
How do you motivate yourself when you are not motivated? I feel like sometimes there will be another day for me to do what I should be doing, like homework. So, why should I do it when I can do it later and have fun in the mean time? I know it is poor logic. Will some of you share your motivation secrets? Thank you all!
Motivation for me sometimes ranges from day to day. Depending on how the sun is beaming through my window in the morning, tells me if it's gonna be a good day or not. For example. Today, there was no sun this morning. Just cloudy. So today is not a good day. But yesterday morning, it was a very bright and sunny morning. Which I really needed on a Monday. I am happy Summer is coming. I am always more motivated in the Summer months. The weather and temps make me feel more alive. Winter gets old after December comes and goes.
I just think of the benefit that doing what I should will have. Remember: "keep your eyes on the prize". Since you used homework as an example, I'll proceed with that. Doing your homework will give you good grades, and ultimately lead to more options opening up for you.
It depends on what you are trying to do....if it's homework I just kind of figured well, if I get good grades I have a better chance of finding work and being successful. Plus I was just raised to try hard in school and really took pride in my work.

If it's something like working out or doing something I don't want to do, I'll just relax a bit, maybe watch a vid on Youtube or listen to some music and just get up and do it. Things can always be worse :P
Just look at the bright side.
What will you achieve from this?
Will it be a long-term achievement?
You have to be optimistic.
I understand completely your problem. Even when I did not want to leave work or school projects to the last minute, it always inevitably happened. You know why? Because if I have always managed to get things done last minute then why would I change my ways even if I do not like to work like that. I think it is one of the hardest habits to break but i have found some tricks over the years. Here are my suggestions:

1) Schedule different tasks or objectives to be done each day up until everything is due. If you do one hour of quality work each day, it adds up.
2) If today you are not "feeling" productive for task A then drop it and move to task B, always try to get something done, no matter how small.
3) Set mini goals while you are working on something, i.e. if I get to 5 pages complete then I can play some video games.

Those are my little tips that help sometimes. Good luck!
I'm a time scheduler myself. I have to have a top 4 things I want to get done for the day. Even if I lose the rest of the day that makes me feel better about myself. There is also the fact that if I have big things to do, I can't take it on without breaking it up into segments. Other motivations might include this: Take care of **** and then reward is 30 minutes of Dark Souls. I always do those little 2 minute things in 2 minutes too don't let things pile up!
It's hard for me to get out of bed some days, let alone accomplish anything. But I think we all go through that.

Think long-term. It's so easy to get wrapped up in the short that you live in the moment. There is always something you can be doing in order to better yourself, though.

Not to say you shouldn't take time to relax. Just don't take too much time.
For myself, I need to make out a list the night before of things I plan to do the next day. Whether its chores or errands I need to get done, what I plan to eat, what and when I'm doing for a workout, etc.if I write it down and see what I need to get done in front of me, I'm more apt to actually do it. Especially working out and eating within my daily in take. It's hard to stay motivated most days. The easy thing to do is not care. Not caring turns to bills unpaid, weight gained, a messy house, etc.
Usually a list of what I have to do and cross it out when I'm done can be pretty motivational. I also think about people who don't have the same chances that I have and I also like to listen to motivational speeches too.
That has to be the most difficult to answer question. I used to be worlds worst to put things off until tomorrow but sometimes tomorrow never got there and I was found over-loaded with things I should have dealt with. Can cause unnecessary stress to be sure. I have a little montra I say daily to get myself motivated to complete a task..." not gonna do itself, noone to do it but me so get with it lazy girl". Actually it works quite well for me. Everyone has their one button to tap into your motivation, key is to find it. Mine is I hate being thought of as lazy, so I used it.
Generally I can keep myself going but there are days when I really have a hard time getting up and getting on with it. On those occasions I take it in small steps until I can get rolling or I simply allow myself to take a day off once in awhile to clear my head.
You know how people devalue things by actively seeking to find or think-up bad things about certain things/people? Some go really far with this and demonize whatever it is their focus is on. You can do the same thing but with the opposite effect. Try to find a beauty and complexity in what it is you're procrastinating on doing, let it tempt your curiosity and aggravate the gears in your mind.
You really just need to find a structure in each day that you can follow. When you have a list of things you need to do and you can accomplish and cross those things off your list, you feel great and it gives you the motivation to keep you going. You want to aim for that productive lifestyle and when you reach it it will fuel itself.
Well what I do is that I think of the time I will be wasting. For example, if I don't wash my dishes now, then I have to deal with it later and possibly be annoyed so better do it now and have fun later. Same thing for any other endeavor, suffer now and have fun later. Dinner before dessert.
Routine and structure are everything. At the beginning of the week, I make a list of things I need to accomplish. Then I make my list for that day. I never make lists ahead of time. Easier to just draw it up that day, consulting my weekly list. And add in EVERYTHING to that daily list--going to class, going to work, remembering to feels good to strike things off the list. That's what motivates me.
Its so mental you have to analyze what good it will be to you and decide form there. I often try to stay motivated through tough times.
I just decided to write an entirely new thread inspired by your one question, good luck mate.
There are a lot of times when I am depressed, but then I keep telling myself that there are people who are having it worse than me. I am lucky to be in this situation.

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