Xbox One Music videos arrive in Xbox Music app

I'll stick to YouTube for my music videos. Heck you can checkout full albums on YouTube.

This is true. It's good that the app is available, plenty of people will find a use for it (I never did), but YouTube already does the same general thing. I'm sure making a playlist for music videos would be easier since you don't have to search and weed out music videos among other videos.
You know what, I never used the Music app on 360 either. I pretty much had my own tunes to listen to from my phone. I'm really not even curious to check out the update even with 92K music videos.
lol I'll have to agree with the last three. I'm sure there will be music videos I like in that 92K+, but the app itself has never been appealing to be to begin with.
92,000 music videos is a lot. There's sure to be artists who aren't on the global and western charts so you might discover someone or a genre you haven't heard before. [/optimism towards Music app]
92,000 music videos is a lot. There's sure to be artists who aren't on the global and western charts so you might discover someone or a genre you haven't heard before. [/optimism towards Music app]

Would they include even asian music videos?
92,000 music videos is a lot. There's sure to be artists who aren't on the global and western charts so you might discover someone or a genre you haven't heard before. [/optimism towards Music app]

lol That didn't last long at all. But yeah there could be more than enough artists worth discovering in that many music videos.
lol That didn't last long at all. But yeah there could be more than enough artists worth discovering in that many music videos.

Yeah, maybe we might find ones that aren't that usual but are exceptional.

DOM0411, MY FRIEND, YOU WILL SEE WHY MANY OF US HATE BOUND 2. >:-D hahahahahahahah enjoy. You'd better hope Xbox One Music App doesn't have this video. ragnafable11, here you are! hahahahaha!
I could honestly care less about the music videos. I mean, it's a nice feature if you're actually watching the TV while listening, but I have music stations through my cable provider and I use Spotify and I'm perfectly happy with that. So needless to say, I probably won't be using Xbox Music anytime soon, but for those out there that do like watching music videos, it could be a cool feature.
What do you guys think of the service and this update? Leave your thoughts below.

I haven't used Xbox Music at all. It's a great idea but like you, I think it should be included (at least in some form) with the price of Gold. Plus, I'm already a Rhapsody user for years now and it's just easier to keep using it than to bother with learning a new app. I guess I'm lazy, ha!

DOM0411, MY FRIEND, YOU WILL SEE WHY MANY OF US HATE BOUND 2. >:-D hahahahahahahah enjoy. You'd better hope Xbox One Music App doesn't have this video. ragnafable11, here you are! hahahahaha!

Noooooooooooo. Man someone had to post this video again. No way am I gonna like this at all.

DOM0411, MY FRIEND, YOU WILL SEE WHY MANY OF US HATE BOUND 2. >:-D hahahahahahahah enjoy. You'd better hope Xbox One Music App doesn't have this video. ragnafable11, here you are! hahahahaha!

O________________O Marthyrocks.... WHY?! WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO THIS?! Damn... well, on the bright side, I don't have to press play xD But still man, seeing the preview image already reminds me of the craziness that I saw that day.
O________________O Marthyrocks.... WHY?! WHY IN THE WORLD DID YOU DO THIS?! Damn... well, on the bright side, I don't have to press play xD But still man, seeing the preview image already reminds me of the craziness that I saw that day.

Yeah, Why does he have to post this. OH man now I can't get the video out of my mind.

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