Xbox One My New Gaming Blog. Check it out!

thats pretty awesome. I was surprised at your killer instinct review. Most people think Killer Instinct is untouchable and that speaking against it is blasphemy.

The game is good and the net code is great, but as a total package it feels incomplete
The game is good and the net code is great, but as a total package it feels incomplete

Finally! Yeah, many think Killer Instinct is great since you can get for free then you pay it bit by bit by your review just shows that indeed, it's just not worth it yet. Again, great review man! Keep those reviews up.
Hey Guys! Reviews for Assassin's Creed 4 and Battlefield 4 are up. Please give them a read and please leave your feedback and thoughts either here or on the blog itself. As always thank you for reading and please subscribe!
Haven't checked the blog out in a while. Good reviews! Definitely feel the same about the game system. Not perfect, but good nonetheless!

Seriously still agreeing with your opinions for the most part. AC4 added a mechanic in the ship system that really revived the series at least for me and was necessary. Long running series like AC or COD or even Mario need new things that aren't gimmicky but feel important to reengage people. AC4 and Mario 3D World did great in doing that but COD not so much.
Good job on the blogging my man! These reviews of yours will help out when I get the Xbox One in the future. Keep it up. I like your review on Dead Rising 3, very insightful. I'll keep your blog bookmarked so I'll see updates.
I hadn't noticed that I missed your BF 4 review and I have to agree. I enjoy the series but this was a disaster. It's one of the worst launches of the year only surpassed, I would argue, by the Simcity launch which still sends me into fits of rage. The fact that they still released DLC (that is buggy) when they haven't even fixed the base game just annoys me.
Hi KN1GHTMARE! It looks pretty nice, and if you don't mind, I have some suggestions for you. Have you thought about enabling Adsense on the blog? I ask because it can give great motivation to go on and write more, and you will also get some $$ for more games :D . Also, you could start a youtube channel and do some voiceovers while playing a few of the games listed on your blog, and put your blog link in the description of the videos. You could also theme the background a little more, by adding some elements from Xbox logos for example. Anyway, it looks good, and this is just my humble opinion. Keep it going!
Nice job. Reviews are nice mate. You could do extremely well if you purchased a domain name and got some advertising on there etc. Looking good! Hope you continue with it and get something more serious happening! Good luck!
Hey guys, my Peggle 2 review is up along with a few other Post. More to come later in the day so check it out! Thanks for the support and recommendations. I still need a few more post to make use of Adsense and i'm working on getting my own domain!
Now you've got me interested in Peggle. I wasn't planning on buying it but it does remind me that the whimisical side of gaming, the fun for the sake of fun side of gaming isn't just with Nintendo. It looks pretty great, so I'll have to really try it out.
I love Peggle and had it on the 360 and iPhone.

It's a simply fun to play game with easy controls and super colorful graphics and feel happy type sounds.
Hey guys! Just in time for some holiday reading, I just posted my Top 10 Games of the Year along with the Marvel Lego Superheroes review. Give it a read and let me knwo what you Top 10 Games of 2013 are. Happy Holidays!

PS. I'll have my "Predictions for 2014" up by next week!
Hey Guys! Reviews for Assassin's Creed 4 and Battlefield 4 are up. Please give them a read and please leave your feedback and thoughts either here or on the blog itself. As always thank you for reading and please subscribe!

Really, great, I'll check the blog later. By the way guys Merry Christmas.
I've just read the blog. Hey, good posts on the blog. I really like the info thrown on it. Keep up the good work. Hope to read more interesting stuff about games on it. Add some walkthroughs on Dead Rising. I'm having some difficulty on the campaigns.
Hey guys I just wanted to let you all know that the blog has had some updates recently and best of all I have a few new post and they're my favorite so far so please give them a read and subscribe. The new post include:

1. 2014's Most Anticipated Games (includes list for all consoles individually)
2. My "bold" predictions for 2014
3. My Top 10 Games of 2013

Let me know what you think either here or in the comments on the blog itself. Thanks for reading and all the wonderful feedback!
Look good, I browsed through everything this morning.

I agree with a lot of what you said, but having Plants vs Zombies as the #2 top wanted game above
Thief, Tomb Raider, Watch Dogs and others I am not so sure about. :)

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