Xbox One No PS4 game looks as good as Ryse: Son of Rome for Xbox One


Sep 20, 2014
І'm bеіng оbјесtіvе hеrе. І gоt bоth sуstеms nоw, аnd thе bеst lооkіng gаmе оn РЅ4 іs Іnfаmоus: Ѕесоnd Ѕоn, аnd іts grарhісs аrе nоt аs gооd аs Rуsе. Rуsе lооks аs gооd оr bеttеr аs а lоt оf nеwеr РС gаmеs оn mахіmum sеttіngs. Іts аlmоst unrеаl hоw thеу wеrе аblе tо рull оff suсh а grеаt lооkіng gаmе оn thе Хbох Оnе.

Νоt оnlу thаt but thеrе іs а раttеrn nоw оf Хbох Оnе vеrsіоns runnіng thе sаmе FРЅ аnd rеsоlutіоn, whіlе hаvіng bеttеr lіghtіng еffесts. Whаt wіll thіs mеаn fоr Ѕоnу оnсе реорlе stаrt lооkіng оbјесtіvеlу аt thе fасts tо rеаlіzе thаt Хbох Оnе іsn't а sесоnd rаtе sуstеm, аnd іs а rеаl соntеndеr? Ѕuреrіоr vеrsіоns оf multірlаtfоrm gаmеs hаvе аlrеаdу mаdе іt tо thе Хbох Оnе, аnd аs tіmе gоеs оn thе Хbох Оnе wіll kеер gеttіng mоrе dеfіnіtіvе еdіtіоns оf gаmеs.
Care to mention some of these objectively superior versions the Xbox One is getting?

Besides, graphics aren't that important. If you care that much about graphics you go get a gaming PC, not a console.
One game? That's it? I would honestly say, PT/Silent Hills looks better than Ryse does to be honest..
There's no point really in reaching such conclusions. Games get released all the time, graphics improve all the time - on both consoles. As this generation moves forward graphics will improve constantly and even in the next gen they'll continue to do so. So why bother checking for differences? Gamers should focus more on gameplay, the gameplay that's been getting stale these last years.
I also have both systems and there is little difference IMO on the graphics between them. It mostly depends on the "game" so some will look better on the Xbox One and some better on the PS4 is what I have been finding.

I have Ryse and sure it looks great, but game play lacks and you can pretty much roll and hack with 2 buttons to finish it. Nice if that is what someone wants, but I like a little more to my games than pretty graphics like Ryse offers.

Now no one laugh, but I actually think the cut scenes and some animation in Knack for the PS4 is some of the best I have seen. It was like I was watching a Disney movie at times.
Ryse? That game isn't even that good. I would rather have crappy looking graphics with awesome gameplay experience rather than a visual masterpiece that offers nothing. And besides, we're talking about games here and not movies. Just look at Minecraft. That game looks like it's from my grandma's chest but holy crap is it good.
I guess this will dampen the original post some. Just posting to show some things not to debate as I have both systems.
The Xbox One can do 1080p, its just harder to achieve these developers are saying. LIke people have said though, chances are unless you have a really large HDTV or your someone who is super critical, there will be no noticeable difference.

Lords of the Fallen Is 1080p On PS4, 900p On Xbox One

Metro Redux will run at 1080p on PS4 and 900p on Xbox One, Deep Silver brand manager Huw Beynon has confirmed.

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