Off Topic Music/Movies thread?

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Jan 3, 2013
I'm not sure if this has been decided against already, but I think it'd be a fun way to get to know other members of the community to have a small off-topic thread for various discussions.
We have tried an off topic board in the past called the community board. But it ended up becoming a zoo so to speak with some inappropriate content. We are thinking about putting it back up, but we have to iron out some rules. Were getting ready to roll out a the submissions board and after that's been officially rolled out, i think we can take another look at this. I'm wondering what other lurkers in these parts think.
This would be a good idea. Could have threads for favorite movies, music, food.
I know that I'm DYING to talk about how gorgeous the Blu-ray of Star Trek: TNG is, and other movies and shows and stuff as well. I run radio shows and did film studies as a minor, so pop culture is a big passion of mine. I'd happily help to moderate, if you needed some extra eyes and it wasn't immensely presumptuous :p (If it is, please disregard!)

(, the TNG Blu-ray, you guys. IT'S A THING OF BEAUTY.)
The general discussion boards will be great. Gives people a lot more freedom on the forum for individuality outside of gaming. I think we will have enough moderation here til the forums gradually pick up more traffic.
It would be a good idea, but I've seen plenty of "off-topic" boards that just get abused & filled with really inappropriate stuff. Though I'm sure you're all far too grown-up for such things here :p
I think the community is small right now, and we've been able to tackle some other topics with an impressive degree of intelligence and self-control (compared to other forums). I think with the right rules--no religion, no politics, no hate speech, whatever--and a dedicated set of users who will flag and report inappropriate comments/threads, it could be a good way to get to know everyone on the forums and talk about new things!
Def going to have to put together a strict rule list before we re implemented this. I just remember the last time it was real bad lol.
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