Xbox One Overexploitation of the Assassin's Creed series?

AC4 is great, I'm enjoying it. However the series as a whole is getting pumped dry. They'll find something else to run with to keep the series going, but it won't be long before a series reboot or something.
AC4 is great, I'm enjoying it. However the series as a whole is getting pumped dry. They'll find something else to run with to keep the series going, but it won't be long before a series reboot or something.

I suspect they'll milk it for all it's worth... wait some time and then do a reboot- Assassin's Creed has really become Ubisoft's legacy and without it, they don't have much to go on.
If you played assassins creed 3, then its kind of strange as the story was kind of brought to a close! *SPOILER ALERT do not read if you don't want the plot spoiled* But HELLO?! all the major characters are dead! where are they going to go with the story? I kind of want to play it just to see how they write themselves out of the corner that they backed into at the end of the last Assassins Creed game!
If you played assassins creed 3, then its kind of strange as the story was kind of brought to a close! *SPOILER ALERT do not read if you don't want the plot spoiled* But HELLO?! all the major characters are dead! where are they going to go with the story? I kind of want to play it just to see how they write themselves out of the corner that they backed into at the end of the last Assassins Creed game!

What? Really all of them are dead? Oh well probably they decided that the story was going way too long. But either way. I am going to miss the previous characters.
I said it before and I'll say it again they figured out how to make an awesome pirates game and are using the AC name to promote it. Its hard to just say here's some pirates. Easier for them to say "Well you're an assassin and there's pirates."

Yeah, this is a pirate game starring an assassin. While extremely fun, that's all it really is.
They're not over exploiting it so much as they have no idea where to go with it. They said they have an end in mind for the franchise, but I doubt it. The series creator most likely knew where to go with the series and how far to carry on with it (which is why AC3 seems so different from the prior two) as Murray basically touched on.

To sc_shark, I couldn't stand the present day stuff in the AC games. I just wanted to play the period stuff. That's all. That said, the present day/futuristic stuff is the glue that keeps the series together. A game that is just a pirate game without the back story would just be a one off.

The pirate parts put me in the mind of if Sid Meier decided to do another Pirates game in 2013 (loved the original).
I think that they've done a pretty good job of keeping the series alive. The premise of the series is enough to help them stay fresher than FPS games like Call of Duty or Battlefield, and the changes that they made to AC4 have, and pardon the cliche, given the series a breath of fresh air. I love the new ship mechanics and the changes to the story have helped a lot.
Ubisoft knows they're overexploiting the series and they know they have to write their way out of this corner. Sure AC4 is good, but there's very little linking it to the series overall. I'm thinking they're just going to start a new trilogy or whatever with this new guy. Maybe the Animus picks up some cross interference with ancestoral memories of another Assassin that the AC4 guy. Like while playing the intented memory, you randomly end up playing blurbs of this other memory throughout. As a precursor to say AC6.

Who knows.
Maybe the Animus picks up some cross interference with ancestoral memories of another Assassin that the AC4 guy. Like while playing the intented memory, you randomly end up playing blurbs of this other memory throughout. As a precursor to say AC6.

Who knows.

I could see that possibly working. What does Ubisoft have to lose in running with that story idea.
I would play that. I enjoyed the futuristic or present world stuff. The animus sequences were the meet and potatoes of the games, though. While the pirate ship and all that was a nice touch, it was really only good for that game. No guarantee it'll be a regular thing.
The pirate parts put me in the mind of if Sid Meier decided to do another Pirates game in 2013 (loved the original).

Absolutely love the original. This does have a pirate theme on it. I guess they wanted to change the story a bit that's why they changed most of the characters and the story setting.
I'm VERY tired of the AC series. A yearly release is making it too repetitive for me since the gameplay is essentially the same :(
I don't want to see them stop making Assassin's creed games altogeter, and I don't want them to keep coming up with game after game which is so similar in so many ways.

I'd like to see Assassin's Creed take a hiatus. Absolutely no work done on the series for a few years, then a completely new team of artists, designers and programmers come in to reboot it.
Well, games like Mario or Zelda proved that over exploiting a series, if done properly, can still result in fantastic games. So no wonder we now have series like Call of Duty or Assassin's Creed where game after game is released. The trick is to find the proper setting and tone for the game and you'll hear almost no complaints. This, coupled with new mechanics and the brand name results in great sales, so expect more milking in the future :o
I completely agree with you, Assassin's Creed has turned boring for me too, because they already released too many titles and there's not a lot of innovation in the newer releases. But the first one is a classic, no doubt about that.
Well,sorry guys, but they are going to keep exploring places year after year, until we stop buying their games. But why would we stop buying them? They are so fun to play. Just look at Black Flag for example. I mean, let's not lie pt ourselves here folks. They have been probably the most experimenting devs out there. At least they are not like EA and Activision who keep shoving same stuff up our throats every year.
The AC franchise is honestly one of my favorites, and even though a lot of people find it to be overexploitation, it's honestly the only game I specifically look forward to every year.
I can never get tired of Assassins Creed. The series is a bit repetitive but the games are still a whole lot of fun if you are into the genre. The release of Black Flag was definitely a big change in the series for me. I am still playing Black Flag at the moment and so far I am having no trouble being entertained. I hope the Assassins Creed franchise never dies out.
Well,sorry guys, but they are going to keep exploring places year after year, until we stop buying their games. But why would we stop buying them? They are so fun to play. Just look at Black Flag for example. I mean, let's not lie pt ourselves here folks. They have been probably the most experimenting devs out there. At least they are not like EA and Activision who keep shoving same stuff up our throats every year.

This is true. But when you set the bar at EA, it's pretty difficult to miss. EA has reached the point where most indie studios are more approved of than they. Their two main things are Plants vs Zombies and titanfall.
I've liked all games so far (except for the DS/iOS/PSP ones), but the series has definitely changed but it's gonna become stuck soon. It's gonna become stagnant. Why? Because they plan to launch a game every year. This affects quality, I'm sure.

That said, I still think the franchise is still good at the moment.

I think you're in the minority if you even know there's DS/iOS/PSP games in the series, never mind the fact that you remember them.

However as for launching a game each year, technically its true. However, they're all being developed by different studios, and still have the required three year development cycle.

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