Physical (hard copy) or digital games?

SiNAR 212

Aug 19, 2013
So will any of you guys go all digital download or all disc. based or mix and match?
I fan of the steam way of doing things, but beyond that things get lost and the concept of a digital library on the Xbox One is something i really want to try out. Hopefully that works out as expected.
I'm all for DD now. It's just going to seem to be easier to have everything right there and not needing to get up anymore, yes I may be lazy lol, but I'm ready for it.
I'm definitely mixing it up. I crave that new game smell but at the same time praise the convenience of digital items. The future seems too be all digital, all the time or at least that's the what Xbox One has envisioned. I'm curious to see how everything unfolds for both consoles.
Man, I will just buy whichever version of the game is cheapest at the moment.

I don't really mind digital or retail. I only really care a lot about their differences when it comes to handhelds, as I find that all-digital is vastly superior for portable systems. But a home console? Anything's fine with me.

As you know digital games are becoming more and more prominent. You can even preorder them digitally in today's age.

So my question is this, do you prefer to buy physical copies of the games or do you like to buy digital copies from Xbox Live?

I for one like to buy them physical disks as I really like to build my own library of games.

What about you?
.09 T0--Ill be going all DD this generation. I am ready for all digital everything to be honest. Bills even are payed by digital. There is a lot of convenience with going digital. The only thing I will never do on digital will be my blu ray movies. Its a pride thing and I will keep on building it UNTIL they stop making physical disks.
Got to go physical, always.
The only times i go digital is when the game doesn't have a physical copy. I really like seeing them all lined up in my shelf, all nicely organized. It gives me something to look at, you know?
It will depend on how good the download system is on XB1. Hopefully they offer "pre-loading" of games like Steam where you can pre-order a game and download most of it ahead of time.

If not, I might lean towards physical copies, just because it will be faster for me to drive to the store than to download bigger games mostly.

I would like my library to be all digital. I've lost copies of games more than once and had to spend an afternoon searching for a disk.
I'm going all digital. You can't take advantage of the fast game switching and portability of some things with physical discs thanks to the DRM removal. And since you can play while downloading, I don't think it will be that bad to download them all.
No I don't think it will be bad. Being able to access my games with no disc is going to be amazing...AND! no disc swapping, I know I kow im lazy, but Mass Effect 3 got on my nervous, even when it was installed, both dics...
Disc-Swapping? That' such a rarity these days, especially as more games should take advantage of the upcoming blu-ray storage spaces. I say that as I play Splinter Cell and move onto the second disc.

Anyway, I love physical copies, as I'm a collector and love having a solid library. Not to mention I love pre-order and getting special packaging or goodies with my game.

Not to mention, if I have the physical copy, I actually OWN my copy of the game, and can give it to a friend, trade it in, or resell it if I want. It's not just a license dependent on the availability of a distant server.
Hasn't there been another thread or two asking this? Regardless, mix of both, I will just buy whichever is cheaper at the moment. I don't have a strong like or dislike towards either physical or digital, except I love digital on my Vita because digital on handhelds is just godlike.
According to today's IGN AMA, there will be pre-order bonuses and special editions with digital versions as well:

Will I be able to get pre-order bonuses and special edition versions on digitally downloaded games?
WHITTEN: Yes! You’ll see more details here in the future.
Yes Claptrap - there have been several threads based on this. That said my answer remains the same - physical all the way. I like actually owning my games, I like not worrying about things like Cloud or Internet or Hard drive failure. Also it is just easier to get a hold of physical copies in my particular situation.
I like building up a collection of games, but the convenience of buying digital content overshadows the feeling of a building a collection.

I doubt that we will even use physical hardware for our gaming media after this next generation, so I might as well start going all-digital anyways. It also gives me a better chance of my digital games to be backwards compatible with the generation after Xbox One.
Being that my internet is super slow I will be going mostly physical and like others have said I do like to have a nice collection of games to look at.
While I enjoy my books in "e" form these days, I agree that physically owning a game is better, even if digital is conveniant. We've gotten one or two digital but most are the real deal in a case for us.
100% digital. My Wife even brought this up to me a couple weeks back. She wants us to go all digital for all media, music, movies, games, etc.

I'll miss collecting the discs/game boxes, but will most likely forget about all that the moment I try out instant app/game switching on the Xbox One thanks to all digital. :)

There are a lot of advantages to going all digital. I wouldn't mind pre-loading the game and let it auto-download overnight the day it's released, then I can wake up in the morning and instantly start playing the game before stores even open for the day. Oddly, it'll save me a few bucks on gas going to and from the game stores as well.
I actually want to go digital, but this morning is what worries me. My dogs woke me up a little early this morning. There's no point going back to bed, so I figure I'll check out the COD map pack. I still have the season pass (ugh) so why not? So, 6am I figure a 2gb download will be quick. It actually took almost 20 minutes. That's on a pretty fast connection plus obviously there's little other local traffic.

I can just see myself buying a digital game and sitting around for an hour or two waiting for the download to at least get to the point where I can play, meanwhile I live 10 minutes from a Best Buy.

I'm thinking the convenience of digital will win out, but I can see download times cutting into my game time.

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