Playstation Plus

I haven't played Hitman: Absolution, but I guess it's addition to the European IGC is cool enough because it's a fairly new game, if nothing else.
I haven't played it either. Have been curious about it though. Almost bought it on the Xbox a couple of weeks back when they were having their sale - glad I didn't :)
I'm not sure PS + is worth it and so never opted in to purchase a membership. To be honest I was a little disappointed looking at the discounts available with PS + and think PlayStation could have done better.
I'm not sure PS + is worth it and so never opted in to purchase a membership. To be honest I was a little disappointed looking at the discounts available with PS + and think PlayStation could have done better.
I dunno, I really like it so far, based on just the "free" games. Way I see it I am paying $50 a year for a buncha games that would cost way more than $50 in total. Even if I only have a Vita, the Vita additions are already way over $50 and I'm happy with the games they've given us (except for the PSP Tekken 6 and Soulcalibur: Broken Destiny, since they are crappy outdated versions of fighting games and don't have online...). I think that Gravity Rush and Uncharted are like... $30 each and then there's $40 from Disgaea 3 last month and then whatever the other games have cost so far. Yeah, over $100 saved. I guess you could say it's just a rental service but even as a rental service it's pretty good. Of course, you need to like a wide amount of genres to properly take advantage of it...

Not trying to convince you or anything, though, just saying that it's totally worth it for me. I know a fair lot of people don't think it's worth it.
I guess I'm double posting, but since I'm updating... this thread deserves a bump! Aaaaanyway, the May PS+ goodies for the US have been, apparently, revealed on a recent Blogcast. I didn't check out the podcast myself, but it's been confirmed that these are the may goodies:

-Sleeping Dogs (PS3) on May 7th
-Knytt Underground (Crossbuy)
-Pinball Arcade (Cross Buy) – Free tables are Arabian Nights, Ripley’s Believe it or Not, Theater of Magic, Black Hole
-BlazBlue: Continuum Shift Extend (PS Vita)

So I must say that May is a pretty solid month for US PS+, in my opinion! I don't really care about Pinball Arcade, but Knytt Underground and BlazBlue CSEX are excellent for me. Sleeping Dogs is a great addition for the PS3 but I don't have a PS3 and I own the game on the 360 anyway! But of course, I'm sure a lot of people appreciate that game being a PS+ freebie. Other than that, I am really happy with Knytt Underground and BBCSEX. I had been considering buying both of these games, but I hadn't done so. I already own BBCSEX on the 360 and I rarely play it since I refuse to pay for Gold. I love fighting games and I had been itching for a fighter on Vita, though, so definitely happy with it (lots of single-player content and now I can play online!).

Not bad at all for the US update. I think I need to eventually get around to buying a PS Vita!
And already, the June PS+ freebies have been announced (EU that is)

We get Demon's Souls and Ico/Shadow of the Colossus HD - which is fantastic as both games are on my "need to play" list.
I am and I love it. There is very good value that comes along with it.
I'm really looking forward to this seeing as I'm not allowed to use the PS+ until PS4 comes out! I got interventions from my roomies abuot playing on my PS3... Quite the depressing things. I'm hoping to come and see if it's still great!

PlayStation Plus is a really great deal. I mean sometimes I think it's too good to be true. Sony offers so much for so little that I'm surprised it even exist. Anyone who owns a PS3 should really invest in the services of PlayStation Plus as over time you will realize how much money you are actually saving every year on games. The games you receive aren't really old, they are actually recent games that have been released with a discount price. I can't wait to see what changes happen with Plus on the PS4.
I absolutely love being a member of Playstation Plus. For fifty dollars a year, I get three free games each and every month! In my opinion, it doesn't get any better than that. :)
No, playstation is free, they just use playstation Plus to suck the money from you another way like how xbox makes you pay for gold.

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