Xbox One Possible Xbox One exclusive leaked: "Fighter Within". Developed by Ubisoft for Kinect


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2013
Ubisoft prematurely launched a site for an unannounced game titled Fighter Within on its website. It is revealed to be a Kinect game for the Xbox One.

The page has been taken down but a Google cache reveals a description of the game, which is revealed to be a next-gen title. It doesn't out right say that the game is exclusive to Xbox One, but it does state the use of the "new Kinect" and only displays the Xbox One logo as platforms on the page. Apparently Daoka is the studio behind Fighters Within, which consists of former Outcast developers.

Posted below is the description of the game found on Ubisoft's website.

Source: Ubisoft's 'Fighter Within' Leaked Via Official Website | Side Mission | GameTrailers

Sounds like an ultra realistic fighting game. Not interested at all, personally, but it at least sounds like a solid title for Kinect. It's obviously an Xbox One exclusive because they only mention the X1 and Kinect. I expect to hear an official announcement at Gamescom.
This sounds pretty cool. I, too, am not interested in this in particular but it seems like a martial artist's dream game. If done right this can be the title to look to when making a solid case for the Kinect's capabilities. Good find.
Well, that is certainly interesting, and I wonder if this was the supposed exclsuive game that is set to be revealed sometime during GamesCom. Like you though OP, I'm not really that all interested in a Kinect based fighting game but i will keep an eye out on it and see what it's like. Hopefully it turns out to at least be a decent game.
You lost me at Kinect. Seriously Microsoft, you need to stop messing with it and give up on it already. Let's see how things unfold. I won't bash it right away without knowing more about it.
sounds fun. idk how i fel about a mma type of kinect game..

now a full blown fight night with kinect would be sweet. i mean a in depth fighting game. where ut followed your dips/dodges.. blocking would leave you open to body shots. one where it was actually a boxing game.

since the kinect can follow jonts and push/pull it could/should sense your jabs or punches also sincei t can sense your blood flow heart rate and such they could base the game around how winded you could be it could cut your force feedback as rounds go and how hard you are pushing.

the thing we are looking at is kinect as a camera and not as a actual work out tool. which is what its working towards. their have been allot of sales across wii-wii-u,360 as far as workout games.. games like ufc personal trainer,nike traning and the slew of other games based around the kinect. i think its a good thing. i hate the gym but would love to get workout or get in shape a bit at home.
With this new Kinect 2.0, hopefully the tracking will be as precise as possible. They've tried making these "ultra realistic" fighting games before using Kinect, and then just ended up sucking. My favorite "fighting" game for the Kinect would probably have to be "Kung Fu Impact", but that's about as far from realistic as it gets.

Hopefully the tech will be impressive. I always love seeing what they're gonna do next with the Kinect, but usually it winds up just being garbage. It's a shame, the Kinect (and more specifically, the Kinect 2.0) is a very innovative piece of technology.
You lost me at Kinect. Seriously Microsoft, you need to stop messing with it and give up on it already. Let's see how things unfold. I won't bash it right away without knowing more about it.

Dude, don't criticize. Or are you telling me you don't like to spaz out your arms everywhere trying to punch your opponent, only for the Kinect to think that you are kicking, because that is the future of gaming!
Dude, this is one of the funniest posts I've seen in here! Right up there with the guy that thought King of Fighters' Ash Crimson was a chick. Heheh.

But anyway, it's Ubisoft. They still make decent stuff, so I still wanna see if they can make a good kinect sports fighter, even though I don't really care because I don't like realistic fighters (which I think are more like sports games than fighters).
Does anyone here play "The Fighter Within"? I have been hearing different stories of why this game should not be released, and yet, no one can tell me what the game is actually about. Would it be something worth my while? Just the fact that it is controversial makes it interesting.

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