Xbox 360 RED RINGS! - How often did you get them?

I had two Xbox's red ring on me.
The first one I sent back, and they replaced. The second one was... strange.

My second Xbox would red ring while it operated perfectly. Despite the red ring of death flashing away, it never hiccuped of faulted in any way. I could play games for hours with that ring flashing, flawlessly.
One day that Xbox stopped reading disks though, so in the end it had to be replaced - that was roughly when the Slim came out, so I got a Slim which has been perfect ever since :)
Only got the red rings one time in my 6 years of owning a 360. It was the first year i bought one, I was really upset. But have had a black 360 for 5 years and it is still running strong.
Two. This one I got now though is obviously going strong. First time it was one that I had for years, so it was about time to replace it anyway. I didn't mind because it had a great run and was probably time to replace it anyway
Twice. I'm on my third Xbox now. Luckily I had warranty both times so I didn't have to pay for a new one. The console I have now is over 3 years old so if it dies I'll have to purchase a new one :(. Hopefully Microsoft fixes this issue with the next console.
Luckily, my Xbox's have never actually died on me. The one I have now is a little under two years old, so I'm not too worried about it. One time I did get a red ring, but it was because the power supply wasn't plugged in correctly. Suffice to say, I was very worried for a minute until I realized what was happening.
I've luckily never had red ring, although I've probably jinxed it now. My Xbox isn't too old though so I'm glad it hadn't. My sister has unfortuently
had to have 2 new Xbox's due to the red ring. My friend has had to have 5 and had now changed his Xbox for a Playstation as he couldn't cope
Looks like there's a fair amount of lucky people in this thread. Maybe the people who never had a RROD tend to be biggest Xbox fans so that's why we're here, haha. I've never had it happen to me either. I swapped mine out for the Falcon processor fairly early on though, I don't think that model was as prone to getting them.
I have never once in my life had a red ring on an XBox of death. I think this is due to me keeping them on a hard surface, always cleaned and never abuse them, even in the slightest. That being said, I have replaced XBoxes with newer models when they come out, so that could help.
I've never had the red ring of death either, fortunately. I've had my Xbox 360 for about four years now, so I feel pretty lucky overall.
Three years and 4 days after I got my Xbox Elite it E74'd on me. I sent it in and the one they sent me E74'd on me about a week after I got it. I shut it off and turned it back on and it has worked flawlessly ever since.
I tried desperately to give my Xbox the RROD so I could get the warranty on it because I had a different issue with the CD reader. Half the time the disc wouldn't be read and it was a 100$ charge to fix it so I did everything I could to give it the RROD. Unfortunately it never happened and I ended up forking over the money so that they could give me a refurbished copy.
I have never once in my life had a red ring on an XBox of death. I think this is due to me keeping them on a hard surface, always cleaned and never abuse them, even in the slightest. That being said, I have replaced XBoxes with newer models when they come out, so that could help.

Yeah, "abusing" consoles is never a good idea. When my PS2 started acting iffy I got a little carried away and thought I might smack some sense into it. I'm not like that at all, anymore, especially since pounding my fist into the PS2 just made it break faster. I did, however, try tapping on my first 360 console when it would get disc read errors. I thought perhaps it would sort of help reset the hardware in case it had shifted or something.
I got Red Rings of Death multiple times. When I first got it I was very relieved to find out that it was just three rings and not four which meant it was just a cable that needs to be pluged in properly. Proper Red Rings Of Death I happily got non of.
I can honestly say that I have never gotten the dreaded red ring of death (knock on wood). I normally try to keep my console in decent shape; I don't play for hours upon hours a day, trying to keep it in a cool place out of the sun, and free of dust. My console has always run fine, but I do have several friends that seem to have no luck with their consoles. Technology is a fickle thing.

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