Xbox 360 Redbox Game Rental vs. Owning Pros and Cons

Just so we're all clear here - Redbox does not rent anything for a dollar in my area. Movies are 1.25 per 24 hour period following the act of renting. Games are between 1.85 - 2.25 to rent per 24 hour period following the act of renting. Blu-Rays are 1.75 per "". So if you rent a game and hold it for only 24 hours - you're golden. If you rent a game and hold it for 24 days - 44.40 - 54 in the hole which depending on your viewpoint might still be a win.
I have never tried renting a game. I like buying a game because I also love to collect them. But renting makes sense though as you can save a lot of money if you are able to finish it quickly. However, you wouldn't be able to enjoy the re-play value of the game. Unless of course you're willing to rent over and over again.

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