Xbox 360 Saints Row IV announced!

Wow the game looks so fun! I just finished the third Saints Row game about a month ago and now another game is coming out in the series.. I hope the customization gets better in the game. I love making the weird, funny, and sexy characters. This has to be the best game ever. Plus we get super powers!
I own all three Saints Row titles and will be purchasing the fourth once it's released. I think Grand Theft Auto as a franchise/series is more fun but Saints Row is a close second as far as fun game play titles are concerned. In my opinion.
Guys! Guuuuuuyysssss! I don't even know what to say, so I'll let the awesomely ridiculous image speak for itself...

Nice. Hope it's like 3 but better.. I loved how open-world it was.
I want to see what 4 offers, hopefully more "creative" weapons they think of.
Really looking forward to it!
wow, so the rumors were really true. Ok, can't wait to try it but my only hope and prayer is that it better be good or even better than the earlier games.
I am really looking forward to this release. I have been a fan of Saint Row for many years so this news is just like my dream coming true. I just hope that they manage to make it as engaging as the first few versions and improve upon the gameplay. A much better character development and background music would be nice as well.
I like Saints Row a lot.

I think that it has created its own league to be honest.

I sometimes prefer SR and sometimes GTA.
I think the best way for me to be able to enjoy the new Saints Row release is if I treat it as if it's not related to the other games, because playing both one and two, I feel like that it's turning it's back on a lot of the traditions and directions it had back then and I'd honestly love to see a lot more put back into the game but if it's going into the other direction with more utter randomness and silliness, then yeah. I'd have to treat it as if it was unrelated to any of the other games for myself to be truly happy with playing it.
Am I the only one who hopes Saints Row reverts back to its old gangster ways like in 1 and 2? 3 was good, no doubt about it but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I doubt they'll do it but one can hope. I'll probably get SR4 anyways.

I couldn't agree with you more. I loved SR 1 and 2, I got excited when I first read a review about Saints Row 1 and the street gangster ways were awesome. Saint's Row 3 I had pre-ordered because I loved 1 & 2 so much but I finished it pretty quickly and it was pretty ridiculous. The game was awesome in it's own way but it was way too much over-the-top to be a Saints Row game for me and it totally lost the feel the original and 2 had.
Am I the only one who hopes Saints Row reverts back to its old gangster ways like in 1 and 2? 3 was good, no doubt about it but it wasn't what I was hoping for. I doubt they'll do it but one can hope. I'll probably get SR4 anyways.

Totally agree It seems they are steering away from the originals. When I played Saints Row 1 & 2 with my friend. It felt like one of those games that was meant to be serious but you could make the game funny yourself. Saints Row 3 started to make the game funny which put me off a bit because it felt like they were trying to hard. But I did still enjoy it. But now Saints Row 4 definitely looks like they are trying too hard with the Dubstep Gun etc etc etc. I do hope on release it will not be a disappointment. But for now it is not on my preorder list
I loved 1&2 but absolutely hated #3 for the same reasons I'll hate #4 probably. It's just.. not about anything semi-realistic, like 1&2 at least intended to try. I mean, #4 will have a dubstep gun. And it also just feels like I'm playing.. I don't even know.