Xbox 360 Selling games at Game Stop.

I know they have to make a profit and with the whole online pass thing used game sales are kinda in the toilet....but I mean my friend went to bring back halo 4 literally 4 days after he bought it and they offered him 10 bucks....they were already selling used copies for 53 (new were 60)
Yeah, I've rarely ever been too happy with trading in stuff at Gamestop. What makes my jaw drop in disbelief is when I've traded in older games and received 10 cents for them. Yes, they're older and cheaper... but even they're reselling them used for $5 or so... to get 10 cents is just wrong. I rarely do trade-ins with them any more.
Man, if I hear one more thing about "Gamestop has crappy used trade in prices blah blah" I'm gonna kick a wall. That's how Gamestop makes their money. Also, complaining about an old sports title... really? Do you have any idea how many copies of old sports titles are traded in after each iteration comes out?

If you're so inclined, sell games on Amazon and Ebay. There you can fetch your own price, and probably not sell it. Such is the world of commerce.
I never sell games and GameStop. They completely cheat you. I'd suggest selling online next time.
If you sell online, you will get much more than $7 or $8 dollars. Try selling on Ebay or other sites like that.
I am so tired of this topic - people are always complaining, but they still sell their games to GameStop and they still buy games from GameStop. If you think you can make more cash off your ancient games then use eBay or Amazon or Craigslist, but be prepared to never sell anything. People tend to overestimate the value of their gear. If you bought a game for $15 dollars a few years ago why are you expecting to make an amazing profit? And yeah someone gave that example earlier. I personally have had to sell my games to GameStop before and I've made anywhere from .50 to $32 per title sold. My best take was a total of $75 for a stack of games I'd purchased used for less than $50 all together. That's a profit of $25. I have also sold games for half of the price I bought them several times - and that's great. You can't do that with most other products. So yeah - I just don't see the issue overall. Of course, I've yet to have been really gipped so maybe I'm biased.
I am so tired of this topic - people are always complaining, but they still sell their games to GameStop and they still buy games from GameStop. If you think you can make more cash off your ancient games then use eBay or Amazon or Craigslist, but be prepared to never sell anything. People tend to overestimate the value of their gear. If you bought a game for $15 dollars a few years ago why are you expecting to make an amazing profit? And yeah someone gave that example earlier. I personally have had to sell my games to GameStop before and I've made anywhere from .50 to $32 per title sold. My best take was a total of $75 for a stack of games I'd purchased used for less than $50 all together. That's a profit of $25. I have also sold games for half of the price I bought them several times - and that's great. You can't do that with most other products. So yeah - I just don't see the issue overall. Of course, I've yet to have been really gipped so maybe I'm biased.

The key to not getting gipped is just like selling any other consumer electronic; waiting for promotions, etc. Gamestop is having trade in promotions every other week, and you just have to wait until the best one for your situation is coming up.
The key to not getting gipped is just like selling any other consumer electronic; waiting for promotions, etc. Gamestop is having trade in promotions every other week, and you just have to wait until the best one for your situation is coming up.

Oh, that was kind of a sarcastic moment there - I'm sure someone will eventually tell me that I'm only defending GameStop because I haven't been taken for a ride yet, so that was pre-emptive comeback or whatever. Of course, I don't generally care about promotions since they're mostly for in-store credit and I'm not much of a fan of that.
Seeing how many copies that get everyday, specially of sports games, it would be better if you just kept them or sold them on eBay or something. Gamestop is known to have some pretty bad policies since it was taken over by businessmen that all they want is money.
I actually can't even Remember the last time i went to GameStop. At first, i really enjoyed the place, but as i got older I realized that the it isn't worth it. I know it's all about supply and demand but still, it sucks knowing that you will sell a game for $20 but you payed $50 for it only a week ago. Then to turn around and see the same copy of the game you sold back on the shelf for the price of $50. That's why I now only sell my games on craigslist because I always get a better deal.
My brother is all about trading in games and consoles there for other games and consoles. He knows he won't make much just cash wise there, so when he's more interested in money he either ebays the games or offers them up on Facebook and gets a better price than GameStop would give.
The exact same thing happened to me. I would always take my games in, to EB games, and I would get ripped off. I remember one instance when I went to EB games to sell a whole bunch of my games, one was about 5 years old, and it's value was only 1 cent! Another one I had wasn't worth anything, bt it was about 7-8 years old. I also went through with it because it was pointless for me to keep it. You think you got ripped off? Look at me!
It's seriously not worth it. If you really want to sell your games, then do it on eBay, you are more likely to get a good deal out of it than you would at any brick and mortar store. I'm personally holding onto my games because they are worth more to me on a sentimental level. They probably won't go up in price any time soon, but maybe in 20 years from now they will, so who knows.
Gamestop want to basically make pure profit i remember i tried to trade in call of duty: MW3 i had bought it for £40 like 3 weeks back they offered me £12 .. pretty stupid really they just want to get so much money there money hungry.
Gamestop is terrible when they buy games off you. I got a dollar off one game this one time. After that moment, I never sold anything to Gamestop. When they sell your games they sell it at such a high price giving them such a huge margin of profit.
I've never traded games into GameStop. Mainly because they only pay you about $7 a game. I guess it's better then nothing. If I were you I would sell my games on eBay or amazon. eBay has alot of scammers now-a-days so be aware.
Yeah it is rough, but that is the business. You can either keep the games or try to sell them yourself, which may take a lot of time. Your best bet if you want to sell them to Gamestop, is to look out for their deals. Sometimes you can an extra 40% trade in on games. That makes it semi worth it.
Like others have said ^
CL and/or eBay are both viable options.

I've bought from those two sites and they've gotten a lot more than gamestop wouldve given them
I use Gamestop, but only when they a good trade in deal. If they don't, I usually end up waiting. Sure, you can use eBay or Craigslist, and unless it's a game that came out in the same month that I'm selling it in, it's not worth it time-wise. After all, time is money.

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