I am so tired of this topic - people are always complaining, but they still sell their games to GameStop and they still buy games from GameStop. If you think you can make more cash off your ancient games then use eBay or Amazon or Craigslist, but be prepared to never sell anything. People tend to overestimate the value of their gear. If you bought a game for $15 dollars a few years ago why are you expecting to make an amazing profit? And yeah someone gave that example earlier. I personally have had to sell my games to GameStop before and I've made anywhere from .50 to $32 per title sold. My best take was a total of $75 for a stack of games I'd purchased used for less than $50 all together. That's a profit of $25. I have also sold games for half of the price I bought them several times - and that's great. You can't do that with most other products. So yeah - I just don't see the issue overall. Of course, I've yet to have been really gipped so maybe I'm biased.