Smartphones will never match Xbox One

I really wouldn't compare smartphone devices to gaming consoles. Both were built for two different purposes. Personally, I don't like filling my iPhone up with games. First, I get bored of mobile gaming very quickly. Second, I prefer keeping my phone storage clear of pointless apps and games I'm going to uninstall within a week.

I will say this. When it comes to gaming, however, no smartphone will ever be able to compete with gaming consoles like the Xbox One (and especially Scorpio). The same way when it comes to a smartphone, no gaming console (obviously) will ever compete with companies like Apple and Samsung that specifically make smartphone devices.

I think in the world of technology, they both have their respective lanes that shouldn't really cross nor be compared to.
I don't like smartphones as gaming devices, but that doesn't mean they are not. I'm aware there are lot of good games on it. But comparing it to the xbox one, in my opinoin, make no sense (or comparing it with any other game console, or a PC). As JonathanS said, they are very different things: one built specifically for games, the other with other purposes in mind, gaming being only one of the side offers.
I agree with the rest of you. Comparing these two things is just dumb. That's like saying apples will eventually become bananas - no they never will. Smartphones will never be able to match Xbox One or other consoles. It just isn't possible.

I do enjoy certain mobile games but the quality of them or the actual gaming experience can't even compare to the one that you have when playing on the Xbox. How would you even fit such hardware components into such a tiny product as a smartphone? You can only resize it so much until it get's too stupid.
I can't understand the reasons / needs of having to compare smartphone devices with gaming consoles because both of them have very well defined differentiated functionalities.

Each technology should remain in its own place because no matter how much they try, they'll never occupy all spaces.

Is it so difficult to understand this or will greed always win?

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