Xbox One Sonic the Hedgehog is headed to Xbox One

Seriously? Wow, Sonic is coming back. It's been ages since I last played sonic. I remember playing it on sega for hours. I really enjoyed the game. I will get this game definitely once it is out. I hope they could keep the same sonic concept that we had back when we were kids.
Seriously? Wow, Sonic is coming back. It's been ages since I last played sonic. I remember playing it on sega for hours. I really enjoyed the game. I will get this game definitely once it is out. I hope they could keep the same sonic concept that we had back when we were kids.

The same concept... nah, it's been ages since they tried. Did you see the new Sonic game for the Nintendo? Sonic Boom. The last Sonic game was Sonic: Lost Worlds. They could try but like what marthyrocks said, it's not in their agenda to make the classic again. Hope this new game for the next-gen will be good to classify it as a good Sonic game.
Well I really want this game to be just the way it is, well but only better with the graphics and all. I hope we can have it soon. I haven't seen any new sonic games since nintendo.
The problem with Sonic was the on-rails 3D Sonic games which kind of made sense from a gameplay point of view. Like if you play 2D Sonic there wasn't much in the way of exploration. They were similar to Super Mario Bros. 1 and Alex Kidd. Very linear. The 3D on-rails Sonic was the same: straight blast from the start of the stage to the end.

...but that was seen as meh. I liked them and the storylines. So Sonic Team had to clean things up and go back to the classic style. I will say I'm interested in new Sonic. I don't like that they had to take a western approach to Sonic to make it more appealing, but I'm really interested in it.

Sonic gets this odd mixed reaction. Like if there's a classic blast processing style Sonic people (who have played Sonic for years) will like it, but complain about how nothing new was really added. If Sonic takes a new approach graphically and gameplay-wise people will give it a little wiggle room for the story but sh** on everything else. It's odd. I liked the talking parts in the town and all of that.

The perfect marriage for Sonic would've been classic Sonic with a storyline emphasis on the Sonic Comic/Sonic SatAM series. Playing Sonic 1 and 2 didn't really explain much about the world of Mobius or animals being trapped. The Archie Comics and SatAM explained everything and it was a lot bleaker than the original Sonic cartoon and the games.
The perfect marriage for Sonic would've been classic Sonic with a storyline emphasis on the Sonic Comic/Sonic SatAM series. Playing Sonic 1 and 2 didn't really explain much about the world of Mobius or animals being trapped. The Archie Comics and SatAM explained everything and it was a lot bleaker than the original Sonic cartoon and the games.

If they could make a sonic game with no restraints on his movements it would be really nice.
If they could make a sonic game with no restraints on his movements it would be really nice.

I don't think that would be possible. Since most of the gamers are used to how it's been for the longest time. I personally don't mind a change in the game but I'd appreciate if they can make it just the way it was.
People thought the same about Mario then Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine came out with Mario doing much more than running, jumping, throwing fireballs, and kicking shells.
I don't know if it's possible like FullMetalPanic009 said. Taking 2D Sonic and adding more movements would take Sonic from platformer to basically a beat 'em up and I think people are more comfortable with Sonic as is.
When you move Sonic into a 3D arena he should've done much more. Even Sonic 3D was still very Sonic 2D. I would say there's a way to add more movement to Sonic games in 2D and still keep them as platforming Sonic games. Capcom managed to do it with Megaman over time and into the transition into Megaman X for instance.
People thought the same about Mario then Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine came out with Mario doing much more than running, jumping, throwing fireballs, and kicking shells

It's really possible looking at how mario evolved. I guess we might see something like a sonic RPG game in the future (choose your own animal. I think I'll get a cheetah)

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