Former Moderator
I don't blame Nintendo for not showing off something bigger. The VGX awards were a train wreck, they didn't deserve the bigger announcements with how badly things went. Also if you do the research the view base was embarrassingly low, really it's twitter that spread the news of announcments. A lot of people didn't watch the show and they were spared one of the worst things I've ever seen. I like Joel Mchale so I got what he was doing but it didn't fit in this venue, he just pissed everyone off. I actually felt bad for the dorito man himself Geoff, but the announcements were pretty cool just wasted on a bad award show.
That's not really a valid argument for Nintendo though. Sure the show was terrible and so was the viewership, but we only know this because of hindsight. Nintendo didn't know that ahead of time. In the past the VGAs had a fairly large audience with huge announcements and trailers (Last of Us, Skyrim, MGS: Ground Zeroes.). Granted it's their right to not announce anything new, but then don;t tease a surprise new announcement and then show us an already announced game and make the surprise be a character that everyone knew about because you let the information leak.