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Undead Labs, developer of State of Decay, announced today that it has signed a "multi-year, multi-title" extension with Microsoft Studios to continue its relationship with the publisher.
"We'll be able to share details later this year, but as with State of Decay, we think it's best if we just keep our heads down and build some prototypes before we talk too much," founder Jeff Strain said of the new deal on Undead's blog. "For now, suffice it to say there are big things going on with State of Decay."
Source: IGN
Well this is pretty awesome! For those of you who have never played State of Decay, its likely it has to do the poor marketing the game had, although word of mouth quickly spread positive feedback. The game was an open world zombie adventure game where death was permanent and therefore survival carried some real weight. This is yet another studio MSFT has managed to nab exclusives from and I think this is great and paints a positive picture for the future of the Xbox One. Keep them coming!