Xbox One Steam Box: Is it even a competition?

I think the SteamBox will be a big competitor to console gaming (depending on price as was said).

The SteamBox is basically going to be a game console, and game consoles are essentially PCs. The only big difference is what you can do with them and the types of games that come out. You can't have game mods like you can on PC, but that's not anything to do with the hardware. That's just the way consoles are designed to be more locked down. Sony or MS could easily come out with an OS that is much closer to PC, and who knows, SteamBox might be limited to only installing things like mods through Steam.

The other difference is obviously some of the games that traditionally only come out on consoles, but with both consoles supporting indie games, that could change.
I find it that the steambox is a really good idea for Steam to expand their market size. They already have really cheap games on their site and have a large userbase. It really depends on how they present things because it could be a smashing hit if it comes out right. I think that it might compete with the consoles but really, I think it will be like the Wii where it's just off to the side.
I find it that the steambox is a really good idea for Steam to expand their market size. They already have really cheap games on their site and have a large userbase. It really depends on how they present things because it could be a smashing hit if it comes out right. I think that it might compete with the consoles but really, I think it will be like the Wii where it's just off to the side.

Right? It makes for an interesting idea in the console market. The fact that we can play something like Surgeon Simulator 2013 in the living room means Steam wants to transition PC games into the world of the living room. I'd never consider playing PC on the living room but if Steam is willing to make a machine that can make it easy to play a PC game without all the preparations, then I'm all for this.
That steam boxcontroller does look cool!

It's putting the keyboard and mouse into that controller. I agree, it does look cool. No analog, no buttons... just that smooth, circular pad. Two of 'em. We'll see how they play for all of us when they're released next year. I already see it: Steam wants to transition PC gaming into the living room. That's why there's Steam Box, and the SteamOS and The Big Picture. Steam wants to show the world the PC games have a place on the TV. I say: bring it on Steam. Show us your stuff!
Depending on how well it will do, I'd say it might be a competition as well but it'll be solely for gaming (so far, Steam hasn't shown yet about entertainment features). But I'm interested about the Steam Box because if thedoodseven has been saying is true, then it's really an interesting thing to see PC games transcend into the living room. I mean, I've played a lot of PC games in my day and never in my life would I ever think I'd play something like that Half-Like Mod Remake or that Monaco game on a big screen. Then there's the Steam Controller, which transform the keyboard and mouse controller into something that can be now used with the hands smoothly. So Steam is really doing something many companies aren't doing. We'll see how Steam can do this. I'm psyched for this.
The Steam Box still looks like one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen. The controller looks completely awful and the Steambox itself is something that doesn't please PC gamers OR console gamers. I think it's gonna die a slow, boring and painful death just like the Ouya.
The Steam Box still looks like one of the dumbest ideas I've ever seen. The controller looks completely awful and the Steambox itself is something that doesn't please PC gamers OR console gamers. I think it's gonna die a slow, boring and painful death just like the Ouya.

Can't say for sure. If I start seeing sites like Kotaku, Gizmodo and IGN giving us the lowdown on this one and it begins to remind of the OUYA, then you sir have predicted it right. But until then, let's wait for the verdict on it.
It may have potential simply because Valve has not really let us down yet (disregarding the lack of Half-Life 3)
Yes, yes it is. Valve is a big dog, and they are spreading like a fire. I am sure that they will get their share of the market soon enough. They already offer good deals which is one of potential reasons people will switch to Steam Box. Also, HL3 will probably be an exclusive for Steam Box, so there's that.
It all depends on marketing. Can they get their consoles featured in a Toys-R-Us catalog? Can they have commercials running on major networks for months at a time? The sales will follow if they can get it into people's heads that they are another fully fledged console option. The optics will have to be up to par, but I have faith in them to manufacture their machines to the most modern standards. However, if they don't market it well, it will be a failure.
The xbox and ps4 also sold at a profit for the first time ever, valve won't be able to turn a profit, and I doubt they'll have the subscriber base for the first couple systems.
I'm not sure what I feel about the Steambox. On one hand I want it to do well because more competition forces others to step up their game, on the other hand I kinda think that it will be a failure like the Ouya. But Valve often does know what their doing, and I don't see any real reason why the Steambox would fail. It depends on what audience Valve is targeting.
Yes, yes it is. Valve is a big dog, and they are spreading like a fire. I am sure that they will get their share of the market soon enough. They already offer good deals which is one of potential reasons people will switch to Steam Box. Also, HL3 will probably be an exclusive for Steam Box, so there's that.

It could also be they're marketing it to the their existing subscribers of Steam. It might look like Steam is going into this without thought but maybe, they are going in with thought. Like I said, they're putting PC into the living room. And we don't even know much about what the SteamOS. Mysteries, mysteries abound.

But if Half Life 3 DOES become an exclusive to Steam Box, they'll change a lot of things. Well, we gotta see what Steam is gonna do next year. They got their ways :-D
It all depends on marketing. Can they get their consoles featured in a Toys-R-Us catalog? Can they have commercials running on major networks for months at a time? The sales will follow if they can get it into people's heads that they are another fully fledged console option. The optics will have to be up to par, but I have faith in them to manufacture their machines to the most modern standards. However, if they don't market it well, it will be a failure.

Agreed. But Steam is Steam, I'm sure they'll know how to do this. I have a few friends who laugh at the thought that Steam is even doing this but you know, when I look at Steam and their history, they've done a lot to be successful. They'e slowly making something that may surprise us all. Well, next year is the time to see this happen.
I'd buy one if the price was right. My gaming PC is 4+ years old now and I have no urge to replace it unless it breaks. I really only PC game anymore for the cool stuff on Steam that you can't get on console.

As for marketing, imagine this:

Show a teenager on the couch playing COD, and trash talking with his friends through a headset. Then zoom out and see he's on a SteamBox. Show that it does all of what a console does and more and you can win people over.
Wasn't it once upon a time where people where even dissing the idea of Steam? And look where it is now. I'm not saying that the Steambox will be a success, but Valve does understand the industry and they've had success marketing their service, at the very least I'm willing to give them more of the benefit of the doubt than the Ouya team. It's safe to say that Valve would never put out something like this:


Stay Classy Ouya.
Well if that controller is anything to go by, then I don't think it will be. Valve is big for sure but can it compete with the power of MS and Sony or even Nintendo? I doubt that.

It can build a niche market if the console is good but I doubt it'll be able to do more than that.
It is refreshing to see a new competitor arise. They planned this for a long time I think, since the Big Picture UI came out some time ago. I used to play Steam games a lot when I was in college, but not so much these days. The problem is that I can also install Steam on my PC again and don't find the use of the steam box. Maybe I'm missing something here...
Wasn't it once upon a time where people where even dissing the idea of Steam?

Yes, people hated Steam when it came out. It was a lot like the DRM backlash with the Xbox One.

People screamed that it would ruin the gaming industry. Consumers simply would never, ever go digital and lose the "physical" product. That was back in 2003. Today, if it weren't for Steam, PC gaming probably wouldn't exist.

That's what made the DRM backlash against MS a decade later so funny. It is simply a matter of perception, not facts. People don't like change and tend to rage against it. Over time however, common sense wins out.

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