Still no must have games for the Xbox One and PS4 - Forbes

Ok, correct me if I'm wrong but didn't both systems come out less than 6 months ago? And, most of the highly anticipated games are announced at the e3 so wouldn't that explain why there are no must have games yet. These news/magazine companies love to create issues simply to have a good story to report. They'll be coming.

No, I don't agree. There are must-haves. But yeah, THE REALLY MUST-HAVES have yet to come.
One game per console does not make it a must have. You need to have a slew of must have games to really be appropriate.
There's not an abundance of must-have games. Like one must have each, some nice to haves, and a bunch of take 'em or leave 'ems. The thing with these publications is that it's like their memories just blocked out the first 1-1 1/2 year of the 7th generation when games were slow to come out. Hell, the 5th and 6th generations were pretty much the same.

It's like the people covering games for some publications just started gaming 4 years ago when the consoles had a healthy amount of games and that's starting to seep into actual gamers (along with fascination with graphics first, gameplay second).

Plus Forbes is a business publication first and foremost. It's like Motley Fool constantly commenting on gaming from a business point a view. Magically must haves and console defining games come out of thin air within the first 6 months and the sales hit 80 to 100 million 4 years in or some such nonsense.
Every consoles has a lacking catalog at launch so this is unsurprising, really. Hasn't been long since they launched.
I have to disagree with that.

I think that Call of Duty, and NBA 2K14 were must have games. Simply because those franchises are so popular.people love those games so they are going to buy the updated version regardless. I am included in that group.

I had to buy both of those games because everyone on the Xbox 360 version migrated to the Xbox One version. i had no choice but to buy them if i wanted the same online experience.

That means they were "Must Have".
There are a few games that some could say are 'must-haves' but towards the games I play, there hasn't been a single must-have, Assassin's Creed was a good buy for me but I never even paid for it, my brother shared it over from his Xbox when he bought it.
Must haves would be more generation exclusive and would move people to pick up the console because of it. Like if the Ghosts and NBA 2K14 were just for the PS4/X1/Wii U and those were your preferred titles that you had to have in your library and the only way to get them is to get a new console. If they're multi-generation titles, they're not exactly must haves in actual sense, but they're must haves to that person. Nothing was focusing your hand to join the eight generation there, you just did it.

For me personally the only must haves were inFamous: Second Son and TESO on PS4 (which I got), Bayonetta 2, X (yet to be released) and Super Mario 3D World on Wii U (which I got). Must haves don't need to be console exclusive, but that helps even more in moving to upgrade. For my girlfriend (who has the Xbox One) she really wanted the X1 just for Wolfenstein and The Witcher 3 (which I also want). Titanfall was more of a soft must-have.
I disagree. There are must-haves but the REALLY-WANT-TO-GET-THEM-MUST HAVES have yet to surface. And besides, it's so early to tell what are must-haves right now. So why ask right now? Wait until a year, then we'll see. But I do agree: inFamous: Second Son is a must-have. So is Titanfall.
Well, I do think there are a few must have games, but at the same time I don't think this article is very fair considering both systems recently just came out. They should have given it at least a year before writing this article.
Yeah it's an unfair article. It takes time for these games to come out. It's not like the wood grain console-period where companies were putting out space shooters and pong games faster than King can put out Candy Crush Clones.
I disagree. There are must-haves but the REALLY-WANT-TO-GET-THEM-MUST HAVES have yet to surface. And besides, it's so early to tell what are must-haves right now. So why ask right now? Wait until a year, then we'll see. But I do agree: inFamous: Second Son is a must-have. So is Titanfall.

I agree with Infamous but TitanFall not so much anymore. Tried it and I don't like it.
Sometimes must haves are born, other times they're hyped, and then you have must haves that get that status because they're the only game at that time worth getting. Titanfall happened to fall into categories two and three.
Basically. there are must-haves. But the really-must-haves are not yet out. So whoever wrote the article clearly hasn't looked carefully in the market.
I feel that Titanfall suffers from a lack of content, the same problem that Payday 2 is having on consoles. Too little content to keep my interest for more than a brief stint here and there.

My must haves for the One are PvZ:GW and BF4 w/ premium.
I feel like for most it's going to be Watch_Dogs and an fps. My fps is going to be killzone. I am done with cod. Quit with black ops 1. Battlefield is alright but 3 didn't keep my interested that long. Drive club seems fun though as well. I will also be getting knack.