Original Xbox Strange original xbox problem, any tips for me?


New Member
Mar 26, 2013
Ive searched and search but found no help for this.

I know my old xbox has power, press the power or dvd tray button and the light on the wireless controller that plugs into the controller port lights up, so its getting power there and Ive taken it all apart, nothing blown or obvious, with top off I can see the case fan try come on for a quick sec when power/dvd button is pushed.

I get no color codes of any kind.

I use it mostly for a DVD player in a bedroom, last time I watched a movie I had to press the button a few times, like it kept shutting off trying to get the disc out. didn't think to check more, now nadda.

Murphys Law part of the story, ill have a new Xbox 360 slim in a week, got a deal online I couldn't say no on a 250GB bundle
Hmm iv never heard of this problem before, i tried looking online but found nothing as well.
Have you tried calling or contacting Microsoft about this issue?
This issue doesn't seem to be very common. please give me some more information about this. will it load onto the screen at all? if you put a disc in the drive, does the fan start to spin faster?
If no on both of these. Private message me. I'm Positive i can help with this. :D
Guess ill try a new power supply only $15-$20 as it like the power tries to start but only low power gets out for a quick sec.
no light, no boot, disc tray wont eject.......

less I can find a PC power supply to plug into the board for a test first.

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