Original Xbox The Most Difficult Game


Well-Known Member
May 21, 2013
What game on the Xbox did you consider to be the most difficult to beat and why?
Ninja Gaiden is pretty hard. I mean, its not the hardest, but its the hardest I've played. I almost chucked my controller out the window playing that game. I also find Splinter Cell to be a bit daunting at times, I mean it's not hard per se' but it has its moments where you just to punch the TV.
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I think the hardest game on the xbox was playing halo on high difficulty. Maybe it's just me but I really suck at fps using the controller as opposed to a mouse and keyboard. I had no idea how others could possibly beat the game on the highest difficulty level unless they were using cheats or some kind of it.
Ninja Gaiden Black is famous for its high difficulty. It gets my vote!
I agree Claptrap, Ninja Gaiden Black is brutal. I feel like a total newbie almost every time I play.
The most difficult game for me to beat on the original Xbox had to be GTA San Andreas. The reason that it was so difficult was that it was kind of long and although it was long it really was a lot of fun to play. To me the game was different from anything that I was playing around the same time.
I have to say that Ninja Garden was a killer game for me, I never seemed to be able to get the hang of it although I finally was able to play it at a passable level. I never thought that game would be that hard for me.
Ninja Gaiden Black was brutal. I got to the triple shock worms boss battle and never made it past there... still trying to beat that one day. Any tips for that insane boss?

Another game I spent too much time playing that could be very hard was Brute Force. Kind of an underrated game in my opinion. The game was fairly easy and breezy on standard/hard difficulty but on Brutal difficulty (the highest difficulty setting) the game was insane. To get the highest score and get the 100% gold completion medal you had to play on Brutal difficulty, complete all objectives, collect the hidden dna sample, and not have a single squad mate die. Many of these missions were very long as well with up to 6 parts.. each part taking maybe 40 min to do. If you died at all you had to restart the whole level so you were forced to move slow and be as tactical as possible. Each of your squad members could easily be taken out in a few hits on Brutal difficulty so you absolutely could not run and gun. I tried extremely hard to get the gold 100% medal on every level and managed to get The Gold Brutal Medal on about 12 or so of the 18 missions. I've never heard of anyone getting Gold Brutal on all levels in that game.. some of them are so hard( The KILL SHADOON level is impossible on brutal without dying). You would need to have 4 real skilled people playing co-op with you. I've always played solo so that adds to the difficulty as well. I wouldn't be surprised if maybe there is some kind of secret easter egg for getting gold on every level- as you unlock characters for finding the DNA canisters and gamemodes for beating the game on brutal. That would be insane though and to my knowledge it has not been done. :cool:
Ninja Gaiden for sure. That game is sooo freaking hard but I'm such a big fan of the NES games that I stuck it through and beat it.
It's gotta be Ninja Gaiden Black, or maybe one of the Halo's on Legendary difficulty. I was about to say that maybe they're not so bad since I've seen Legendary runs done in a few hours, but they're speedruns, done by people who basically do this as a second job.
Looking back at this thread, it's pretty hilarious how almost every single post is just a vote for Ninja Gaiden Black. Game's hard!
I also found the Assasins Creed games pretty hard aswell, although I might be in the minority. I was used to playing GTA V and for some reason just couldn't get into the character and his movements.
I found the Witcher 3 on the hardest level hard when fighting the boss in the ruins. You had to dodge every single attack which came at the speed of one and a half seconds, if you get hit, you die. To kill the boss, you had to have at least built your Witcher to max levels. It meant you had to explore at least almost opportunity for improving your stats from the beginning of the game to that point, which for me took 97 hours not exploring the game fully and correctly(in terms of improving my character). LOL I tried that difficulty, the monster bashed my head and sent me flying , and dead. in 2 seconds without me seeing it coming. Maybe it was my lack of frame rate on my xbox 360.
It's interesting that you bring up the framerste as a reason for finding games hard, as I also found that sometimes if struggle at points in a game when others seem to find it easy, and I also put it down to the specifications I was using.

If the frame rate drops or the game goes slower or faster without warning, then your obviously going to find it harder than if your playing a game exactly how it's supposed to be.

Well, that was my excuse anyway, haha!
Yeah I struggled with GTA San Andreas as well. It might have had to do with my playing style at the time, which was all over the place with no real consistency (college years) but it took me forever to do it. There were some other ones that I could put in the list though of course, but this is the one that immediately jumped to mind. Thanks for sharing.
I did not really know there was a GTA:SA version for Xbox, however, it has been the most difficult game for me in absolutely any console/platform, I never managed to pass the "Learning to Fly" mission, it seemed to be kinda impossible for me, I never found a way to pass it, I think that I would not even pass it if I try it right now.
Ninja Gaiden is pretty hard. I mean, its not the hardest, but its the hardest I've played. I almost chucked my controller out the window playing that game. I also find Splinter Cell to be a bit daunting at times, I mean it's not hard per se' but it has its moments where you just to punch the TV.

I feel the same way, I actually hated playing that game because I didn't like i, but it was one of those games for me that I kept going to. I still hate it, and never enjoyed playing it but I felt like I had to beat it.

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