Xbox One This game needs more love


Active Member
May 19, 2017
I've played this game a few weeks ago and it was a pleasant surprise, expecially because I haven't heard anything about it. Never read a review, never found anyone knowing it... it's pretty unknown, and kind of underrated.
Then, as I was lurking through the forum, I saw this section! I will give some advice: try this game! It's cool!
It's a metroidvania/rpg/platform.. difficult to define. You have a big open map you can explore with this young flying girl, you recruit other team members (I loved every single character, and it's unusual for me) and fight.
The fights are the best part of the game: they are difficult to explain. There is a line at the bottom of the screen, with both yours and your enemies portrait on it, slowly moving forward: when somebody reach a specific point in the line, he can act. He can defend himself, use items, attacks, use some spell or power... The cool part is that you can slow down enemies using another character who doesn't fight. It's actually pretty difficult to explain, but I really enjoyed them!
The plot is also nice, sorta like a fairy tale, pretty enjoyable. Is short and easy, but it's definitely an underrated and overlooked gem for me.
I've heard of this game, but it's never actually interested me to join or play. From your post, it sounds pretty interesting but a little confusing to describe.

Overall, how would you rate it?
I think I would give it a solid 7,5/10. As I said, it's pretty fun but a bit short and really easy, even on the harder difficulty. If you pick it up, I definitely suggest playing on hard! You will enjoy it more.
Ohh, I think I remember this game. I saw somebody playing it on twitch ages ago. It has a really unique graphics/art style. Is it similar to Ori and the Blind Forest or more combat/RPG based? I don't know if you ever played that one.

Looks interesting though. How short is it? I want to spend at least few hours on the games I buy :p
I haven't played Ori and the Blind Forest, but it seems to be just a classic platform - pretty good based on the reviews! This is more of a turn-based RPG: there are enemies scattered around the world, and if you touch them you start the fight in a different screen. If you touch them from the back you have some advantages.

And how short is it.. I'd say around 10 hours if you play slowly, 7 if you rush.

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