Xbox One Titanfall Beta Now Open- No Code Needed

Learning to wall run will help. for one it opens up options for retreating. Plus majority of CoD players don't look up anyway.
ive played it quite a bit, and imo the game isnt all that great. its way to easy to aim there is virtually no recoil on the guns i mean its super easy, ever since the first game i joined i havent died more then 4 times a game and avg over 15 pilot kills. idk it just seems to easy to me, and im not a fan of the titans either

Make suggestions to the developers to improve the game, if you care to.

Respawn Forum

I think the auto-aim pistol is a bit much. Like you said it is easy enough to shoot people already. But I think when you get different load outs for the pilots and the variety of titans I think it will be more challenging. I don't think it is perfect but it's definitely a refreshing take on a FPS.
Game is not that good... I have 9.5hours logged in game
Each match lasts roughly 6.5-8minutes. You spend 3 minutes in between matches in loading/after match

Lots of players are getting blue screen or black screen issues. Their is a major frame rate drop with titans on field and allot of time arc grenades. Not to mention a few dead zone areas you can get stuck along with a few open areas you can't pass thru that are clear paths and are towards middle of map.

The auto lock pistol it's fine it is a grunt whisper gun not a piolt killer. Even with the upgraded lock or extended clip it takes full clip locked on to kill a human target.

The shot gun is powerful with very very little range 1-2 burst takes everything down minus titans

The carbine is the basic go to for everyone the halo attachment works well. The 2.5zoom is a bit much for how small/tight the maps are. It is very very steady almost sniper file ishs

2 back up pistols are decent no real difference is how they play. IMO.

Sidewinder is inaccurate as all get out and lack of power is noticeable on ground forces. It does well against titans which makes it feel like a gun they tweeted depending on apponent. Needs more splash damage on ground forces.

The cannon is strong but takes a lock for critical hits. The semi locked is underpowered for a warhead. Won't do well in a ground vs tins battle. You have to be exposed to much to get a lock with a shoot.

Titans are geat but you learn quick they are more of an extension than to pilot.. Basically put it in guard/follow and cover it is how 98% of players past level 6 play once you get use to the load out and how to cover your tian you can get 80 attrition points fairly easily.
Stacking titans with a team mate is basically a winning recipe

Once you unlock burn cards the team who csn get 3 titans out before 2 minutes takes the win. You can average 2 titans per patch maybe 3 with designated Titan build burn cards. If you get 3 titans teamed up early u may get 1-2 titans they fight together and can fill gaps of armor or firing

The spawn spots are very on point. Once you get 3-4hours of game play u will know where grunts spawn and how to clean them out. You can tell by mini map when you need to be heading towards grunt spawn. Usually 1 spawn human will be in the mix. Know ur cover and where they spawn and u can pick them off.

Cloak is nice for cross map running. And the ultra fast run debility is nice but eith steadiness of the guns still easy to pick off runners.
Much like cod/bf4 roof tops are the winning positions assault rifle or sniper

What I have gathered from my almost 10 hours of game play is it's going to wear off very fast. And the people who are buying are only doing so because friends are committed to purchasing. Non played beta and said I will preorder because of the game play.
Many said need more load out guns and attachments and maps are a must. At leat 6 titans seems to be general chatt of what the game will be after the season pass. While the game is decent it needs allot more to be blockbuster which is what respawn/ea are selling it.

I follow the trend. I'm not sold on pre order and unless 50% of xb1 friends get the game odds are its a no buy for me
I played another 2 hours today and will probably be above 15hours by the 18th of February in beta.
As a casual gamer I took it for what it was, a work in progress. I enjoyed playing it for a couple of hours, with the idea in mind that it was not a finished product. No way I could log 15 hrs on it. I'm sure the feedback from more serious gamers such as Shark would go a long way to improving the experience for everyone.
Game is not that good... I have 9.5hours logged in game

What I have gathered from my almost 10 hours of game play is it's going to wear off very fast. And the people who are buying are only doing so because friends are committed to purchasing. Non played beta and said I will preorder because of the game play.
Many said need more load out guns and attachments and maps are a must. At leat 6 titans seems to be general chatt of what the game will be after the season pass. While the game is decent it needs allot more to be blockbuster which is what respawn/ea are selling it.

I follow the trend. I'm not sold on pre order and unless 50% of xb1 friends get the game odds are its a no buy for me

ive played it quite a bit, and imo the game isnt all that great. its way to easy to aim there is virtually no recoil on the guns i mean its super easy, ever since the first game i joined i havent died more then 4 times a game and avg over 15 pilot kills. idk it just seems to easy to me, and im not a fan of the titans either

I thought I would take this opportunity to give a different take on the game for all those who have not and will not get a chance to play the beta and maybe interject with some counter-points. I've logged in nearly 30 hours into the beta (thanks mostly to some snowy weather which kept me from needing to go to work). I've had no technical issues with the game nor have any of the friends I have been playing with. This was even more surprising once the beta was opened to everyone, which I was sure would be a nightmare, but wasn't. Please note I have been playing on a North American database (east coast) and I have heard of problems in Europe and other areas outside of the North America servers.

I agree with Shark that the Smart Pistol is balanced and only over powered against the minions (bots). To be honest I found no issues with any of the weapons and they all felt relatively balanced; if anything some of them can use a bit of a boost in the power category, but not enough to complain about. As far as Shark's comment about the sidewinder and other Anti-Titan weapons performing poorly against ground troops..well I assume that why they're anti-Titan and not meant to be used as a "spam" weapon to be over powered against bots and other players. I appreciate that they are purposefully ineffective against ground troops since that is not their purpose. In my experience they handle quite nicely against Titans.

THE TITANS ARE AWESOME. With that said, I did find that whether or not I directly controlled them depended on the situation and the game mode. When playing Hardpoint (basically Domination) I often put the Titan on autopilot until we captured a hardpoint, after which I would leave him guard it while I ran off to capture a different point. It worked great and was a lot of fun to use. It was even better to have my Titan guard one entrance while I personally guarded the opposite. When playing Attrition (TDM) I took every opportunity to control my Titan and wreak havoc. I love controlling the Titan and have become increasingly better at using it with time. I've had brief experiences using the other two Titan types when ever I got the burn cards to unlock them for use and they each demand different strategies when in use, which I really appreciate since it makes them more than a cosmetic skin swap.

As far as the balance in the gameplay, I've been in games where a team gets 3-4 Titans 2 minutes in and is completely dominating only to end up losing at the very end. I've also seen the opposite happen so I don't think it's as black and white as Shark said, but again that's just my opinion.

I didn't feel the bot spawns were obvious, but to be honest I also wasn't keeping track due to all the chaos. I never spawned anywhere that made me feel like I got spawn killed either. Moving along, the pilot abilities are a nice addition, but nothing that truly stood out; to be honest I barely use them.

I purchased an Xbox One primarily for Titanfall and after playing the beta I feel absolutely no buyer's remorse. If anything it has cemented the hype for me. I don't know what makes Shark so sure that people would only purchase for their friend's since after speaking to various people on social sites like this one I haven't gathered the same assumption. I think the game is definitely the first Killer IP we will see and it will sell consoles, although I don't think it will do it to the same success as Halo did in the past. I honestly feel it more than justifies the hype and is worth the attention. Considering the leaked information from earlier today, which seems to confirm the game will have 15 maps, over 25 perks and 30 weapons altogether, it seems to be a great bang for your buck. Titanfall does not break the mold, but it didn't set out to do that in the first place. It simply builds upon the foundation of the previous great shooters of the last generation. If it feels like COD it's because it is, only with the next logical evolution included. It takes the next step forward in the FPS genre and does so in great style. It's an experience I have not received any where else on any console. I have not looked forward to turning on my Xbox since launch as much as I have these last few days. I don't expect it to be a COD killer this year...I expect the sequel to do that. In a genre that had become stale, Titanfall has reinvigorated it. Prepare for many Titanfall clones in the coming years. We have seen it attempted in the past via Shadowrun and Brink, but Titanfall succeeds where others have failed. The parkour in this game simply works and is not held back by artificial limitations. Everything is reachable .

As far as the time during and between matches, in my experience most games last between 10-15 min while the longer ones are 18-20 depending on the game mode. Not sure where Shark got the 3 minutes between games since the lobby is only 90 seconds long; I imagine like much of his comments he was using hyperbole to stress his point. Lastly to address Carnage's comment, the guns really have minimal recoil, probably because like I said it feels like COD. IMO COD had the same recoil issue and to top it off all the guns felt the same to use. I think that's the key difference, although the guns in TF have little recoil they at least feel uniquely different in use. I was a hardcore advocate for COD all the way through Black Ops, but eventually there was nothing left to advocate. Titanfall is fresh and fun and it is best to get in on the action now before EA milks it for all it's worth. Well that about does it for my thoughts, just one man's opinion.
I would love to give them honest feedback. The game does have allot going for it. Just needs bigger tweets than what ea will do in a short time.

Honestly what you see in the beta is probably 99% finished game. I'd expect some polishing but the layout gameplay and how it plays will not change at all.

I wasn't knocking the stability of the guns it's actually refreshing to have a gun that is not everywhere.

While the anti Titan guns are not ground force the splash damage should be a bit more on ground forces.

As for where I got my times. I stop watched 60+ matches and that is the average we got
The 2-3 minute in between matches if from time a match is over till next one starts. Again stop watched. This includes end of match stats/loading next match and the 80 or so seconds alloyed to adjust load out.

I am very happy to know about 25 maps and the amount of weapons and attachments. I knew about 3 titans. And I expect attachments and such. So my comments about weapons were just on ones in beta. It's a fps I expect more.

All my feedback came from in game chatt. If you excepted the game invites I sent you could have gotten in on some fun game play. You even had a party invite from 3 of us trying to get you in. As you were logged on and playing.

I enjoyed the game and expect the 2nd installment to really be the big player/ip.
I would love to give them honest feedback. The game does have allot going for it. Just needs bigger tweets than what ea will do in a short time.

Honestly what you see in the beta is probably 99% finished game. I'd expect some polishing but the layout gameplay and how it plays will not change at all.

I wasn't knocking the stability of the guns it's actually refreshing to have a gun that is not everywhere.

While the anti Titan guns are not ground force the splash damage should be a bit more on ground forces.

As for where I got my times. I stop watched 60+ matches and that is the average we got
The 2-3 minute in between matches if from time a match is over till next one starts. Again stop watched. This includes end of match stats/loading next match and the 80 or so seconds alloyed to adjust load out.

I am very happy to know about 25 maps and the amount of weapons and attachments. I knew about 3 titans. And I expect attachments and such. So my comments about weapons were just on ones in beta. It's a fps I expect more.

All my feedback came from in game chatt. If you excepted the game invites I sent you could have gotten in on some fun game play. You even had a party invite from 3 of us trying to get you in. As you were logged on and playing.

I enjoyed the game and expect the 2nd installment to really be the big player/ip.

Wasn't trying to say you were wrong or criticize your opinions just thought some friendly "arguments" on the game would be fun and god to get people's opinions rolling. I agree with a lot of what you said. As far as the part invites, sorry I was in an open party with family most of the time I played since we were all snowed in. I actually agree it's nice to have some stability from the weapons.

PS. I merged your two last comments to make it easier to read.
I have only played 2 games of this due to not having much spare time, i like it but i feel the matches dont last long enough. I also think the whole escape to the shuttle at the end of a match is really cool.
Out of the two games i have played, only once did i have any problems with a connection to the south east asia datacentre in which once the countdown timer for the match got to 0, i got a disconnect error but its no big deal to me as long as its not a common thing.
I really wish they had Australian servers thou, i think my ping to the south east asia data centre was around 190, i dont have an awesome internet connection :\
Your all good knight. Your points are valid and noted

Never mind a merge. My laptop is down so I'm on my iPhone and it takes allot to get on and post

The beta does exactly what I had hoped. It wets the apatite for the biggest game to launch on next gen yet. I am still not sold on it. I don't have enough online friends who have commited even the ones who added me last 2 dats are on the fence.
Whoa, it's an open beta now? Whoa, lemme see... damn it is! All right, better tell my friends about this. They've been waiting for it.
Here is what Jon Shiring (@jonshiring), a code writer for Titanfall at Respawn tweeted earlier today when asked about extending the beta:

"If the patch works I'll give you a few extra hours to bang on it. If the patch fails then It's curtains for the beta."
I got to fit in a couple of games of Titan fall. I played two games of TDM and around three of the capture points one.. Forgive me I have forgot the game mode name though I believe knightmare mentioned it in his post. I can honestly say for a busy dad, husband and working two jobs I really enjoyed the length of the games. They are shorter than battlefield games and around same length as some COD. I have played COD ghosts on my Xbox one and I have to say I really don't care for its style. But with Titan fall I actually enjoyed the size of maps and the Titan aspect of the game. I am not sure if I will be buying this game only because I am so dang busy with other things. But if I can free up some time in my busy life I would purchase it! I really enjoyed the speed, and gameplay.
Good info Carnage. Server booted me right at 9.

Really? You should have been able to get back on shortly after they updated the servers. The patch worked and they extended the beta. I just now got booted and It's 10pm PST or 1am EST. I was trying to hurry home to fit in a few more games earlier, LOL.
Really? You should have been able to get back on shortly after they updated the servers. The patch worked and they extended the beta. I just now got booted and It's 10pm PST or 1am EST. I was trying to hurry home to fit in a few more games earlier, LOL.

I thought when you were talking about a patch it was something they were going to do before it locked up so it wouldn't boot us. So I assumed when it ended at 9 that was it. I had to reset my dang router before I could even get back on Xbox live. Not sure if that was related, but it rarely happens. I didn't even try to get back on the beta. No biggee. Glad you were able to get some more time in. Probably better that I didn't know I could stay on till 0100. Work today would have sucked.
Good for you guys, I haven't even played it once, well my wife did, she said it was quite hard for her. (well she's used to RPG and Strategy games). I've been busy at work so my gaming life kinda sucks right now. I did have time to open the game yesterday but the hospital called me up so I had to go back.
Good for you guys, I haven't even played it once, well my wife did, she said it was quite hard for her. (well she's used to RPG and Strategy games). I've been busy at work so my gaming life kinda sucks right now. I did have time to open the game yesterday but the hospital called me up so I had to go back.

Well the beta was done already before last night so it wouldn't have made a difference.

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