Unable to install anything on xbox app PC

Aryan McKenna

New Member
Jun 17, 2022
I have spent over a day non-stop trying to fix this I have gone as far as deleting registry keys and reinstalling windows anything inbetween I have likely done. I have spoke to the "experts" and I have called them directly everytime I called them the line cut out and they never called back and the gamer experts all told me the same thing which was unhelpful I a few error codes but the main code I get it 0x80070005 which I am told is to do with microsoft office??? clearly not since I am getting it trying to install Forza Horizon 5 but I digress. Does anyone have even the slightest idea of what I can do because I have exhausted all of the publicly available info I can find
Also having this issue as well. Have tried all generic troubleshooting tips and it has not helped at all. Just stuck "Downloading..." but everything else downloads fine from the store.

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