Xbox One Was bundling the Kinect a right move?


Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2013
Do you think that Microsoft should have excluded the Kinect and sold it at a lower price? Right now, it seems that Sony's cheaper price tag is paying off, they are outselling the Xbox and in less countries than the Xbox. I've seen a lot of people complaining how they don't want or need the Kinect, do you think the Kinect is a factor of people choosing the PS4 over the X1?
I think so. It gives people access to games they might have otherwise not tried out because they didn't think they'd want a Kinect. I know I never planned on buying one. But now that I have one maybe I'll try and use it this year.
I probably wouldn't have gotten it had they sold it separately. So yes, it was a good move. I use it daily to tell the Xbox to turn on, and do stuff.
Most people don't really care about Kinect, so it being bundled in just makes people think "oh and they're making us pay an extra of $100 just for that dumb piece of crap".

Should have been made optional.
Most people don't really care about Kinect, so it being bundled in just makes people think "oh and they're making us pay an extra of $100 just for that dumb piece of crap".

Should have been made optional.

You're right. There are some people who don't like Kinect, there are some who like it. But who knows, Microsoft might prove it was the right move. Still, would be nice if it was optional.
I believe it should've been optional, but I can see that Microsoft actually put effort into making it an actually useful part of the Xbox this time around. It's still not mandatory, but for those who are unable to do what would be a simple get up, eject, change game and such, it has its benefits.
I think it was a smart move for "the long run". Maybe not right now, but I can see down the road a lot of kinect games
and a lot more kinect control coming.

Now if someone comes up with an idea that can use the Kinect for a game or something, they will have a much
greater probability of going thru with the idea as they know every single Xbox One has it. If only 10% had Kinect,
its a more risky venture so many might not risk it.

I can see great things for the kinect down the road. Way more advanced and better than what the 360 offered.
Yeah, to the natural gamer, having the Kinect doesn’t really seem too enticing. But if you’re taking it from that angle along with one in relation to aspiring to have a career in the Video game and film industry, that type of Kinect is pack full of potential.

Especially for motion capture and how the Kinect for the Xbox One is massively superior to the Kinect for Xbox 360. Smaller and lesser known studios have made motion capture programs from the 360 Kinect alone, and the moment they find compatibility with the Xbox One, there’s going to be more accuracy just from leeching off the Kinect’s under-used features.

I actually plan on getting the Kinect for Xbox One if developers can make it synch with any future workflows I may have in the Video game and film industry.
Definitely a bad idea, the Xbox One is bought by people looking for a gaming console not a multimedia machine. The Kinect drives the prices up and is just clutter lying around for the majority of people (That I know, I'm sure some love it). If they never bothered with the Kinect and ditched it like they should have they could have launched at a more competitive price to the PS4.
It really depends I honestly think they should have maybe had two verions one with and the other without Kinect, sure some people may not have found out they like the Kinect; in the same vein though there are people who wasted money because that absolutely despised the Kinect so it really sucks for them. I mean what would it be like if say PS4 added the Eye, move or (insert product) automatically sure some people would find out they liked something but others would just have a useless toy sitting on the t.v stand.
Yes, I do believe it was a good idea.

I do still find it strange that it's "watching me" while it's on, but the pros outweigh the cons!

While gameplay wise it hasn't proved to be really be a hit for me (shouting like an idiot while playing Ryse @ 2 in the morning lol),
I still love telling my Jarvis (my xbox) to turn on, off, switch to tv, snap netflix, etc.
Without MS force bundling it, I would have never have purchased it, but I'm so very glad they did! Good job MSFT!
I don't care about motion gaming personally and could do without having the Kinect. I think Microsoft should have released two versions of the Xbox One, one bundled with Kinect and the other doesn't juat like the Xbox 360. They should have made it optional. Initially when it was announced, I had the feeling that they were forcing Kinect down my throat. A lot of my friends still hadn't gotten the Xbox One for this sole reason, they're waiting if Microsoft will change their mind and release one without the Kinect.
I'm on the fence about whether it was a good move. I have an Xbox One and I'm totally indifferent towards Kinect, but I can see how people would really dig it. I think I'd care about Kinect if it could talk and respond to tone in voice. If it did there would be a lot of "I'm sorry." and "Are you angry?" I'll yes in the sense that Microsoft obviously has bigger plans than what Kinect does now. Like HUGE plans to make up for it adding on a significant amount to a potential price that could've been very convenient.
I think it will be better in the long run. It has a lot of potential and I think developers will utilize it more knowing everyone has one. There would have been little or no support from developers, just like on the 360, had only a small percentage of users bought one. For those that don't like it maybe at some point a developer will do something really cool to make you go find that thing and dust it off.
Look at the kinect this generation. It came out very late in the console lifespan, nobody owns one and there are no good games for it. Microsoft has spent a lot of money on this technology and allowing people to opt out of buying it would be the biggest mistake they could make.
People will choose not to buy it because, like you, they don't want it. No developers will make games for it because it would be less profitable to do so, and Microsoft will end up losing everything they invested into the technology. Far more money then the cost of the systems people decide not to buy because the kinect is included. Like it or not, the kinect is here to stay. If you don't want it, don't buy the system.
Or you can wait for Microsoft to do the common sense thing and make it optional in a future bundle. You have a portion of fans who are excited and optimistic about it, a portion who just deal with the fact that they bought a console they wanted with a part they didn't ask for (you can't bargain and try to get it dropped from your console and get a lower price), and you have those waiting for just the console and not 1/3rd of a Xbox Zord.
It was not the right move. The voice commands were one of the reasons they didn't have a worldwide launch. You speak with people who did not buy the Xbox One and the first thing that comes up is the price. So far they have not produced any kind of game that makes it seem like the Kinect was worth the inclusion. That was their second big mistake. You needed to have something at launch to demonstrate that this isn't just the same old thing and what you got was Just Dance. There is a lot of transition going on at MS and I speculate that the Halo Xbox One will not have the Kinect packed in.
I think it was the right move. While I haven't played any heavy motion sensitive games yet, the voice commands work almost spot on. I love being able to walk in the room and change the channel, turn on or off, even go to any app just by talking. And the more I use it, the better it seems to work. The true test will be some movement intense games to see how spot on the motion of play really works. I for one cant wait for kinnect sports rivals to test it out fully. I cant play the demo right now because of the current room I am in is too small and I appear to close to the sensor for the demo to work. But when the game comes out, I will be in a different place so it should be fine. So, yes, I think it was worth it and glad its there.....
I can see the next big edition of Xbox One (as AvalonX said, mostly likely the Halo Edition) being disKinect'd. Personally from what I got to experience with Xbox One and Kinect I thought it was pretty neat and useful. I'm not sure if bundling it was the right move. It doesn't come off as essential at the moment, but I'm sure it will.
Putting Kinect 2.0 with every X1 was absolutely the right move. First off, you make it optional (like the original) and you essentially kill it.

The $100 price difference is not that big a deal. People who's budget cant afford $500 for a next gen console shouldn't buy a $400 console either. If $100 is your make or break price, you should be saving your money.

I've had X1 since launch day and I have not played a true Kinect game, yet I use Kinect every time I turn on my console. Voice commands alone make it worth it. We've only seen the tip of the iceberg as far as what the technology can do.

Sorry, but I love the fact that I can walk into my man-cave and turn on and load my favorite games with simple voice commands before I even sit down.

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