Xbox 360 Was Gamefly a large part of your experience?

At first I used Gamefly like it was nobody's business. But honestly, I like owning my games. So eventually, I canceled my subscription to it. It's a nice concept, but it doesn't work for me once all is said and done.
I've been using Gamefly for a few years now and I think its a great service. I get new release the day after it launches and I've never had to wait in a queue to get a game on my list. Guess maybe its just luck. I still buy games that I know I will replay, but for everything else I use Gamefly. I used only want to buy games because I like collecting them, but with a growing family I find Gamefly cheaper. I get to play literally every game I want on either of my consoles, plus free PC games. I think its thanks to their service that I've been able to enjoy games that normally I would have overlooked due to budget constraints, especially around the holidays. I know a lot of people would suggest I just wait for game sales, but I find the best thing about playing games is doing so when they're still relevant and way I can be part of the discussion while is actively happening. I honestly recommend it, I pay roughly $300 a year for the 2 game package (2 games rented at a time) and have been able to play dozens and dozens of games this year. Had I used the $300 budget to buy games I would had only been able to afford 5 games. So again, I cannot recommend it enough.
I wasn't much of a fame fly fan, but my cousin used it religiously for six months and liked it.
I had Gamefly for about six months. I honestly believe they have some sort of priority shipping depending on how long you've had the service. My first two months, the turn around was about 2 or 3 days. By the fourth month, it took them a week to get me another game. It wasn't like the fourth month was the middle of winter, either. It just got worse from there.

Really? That sounds awful. I personally never had that issue and I was on the program for more than six months. What kinds of games were in your queue? Were they all new or very popular titles? That may well have had a lot to do with the delay if they were. Still it's a shame you had those kinds of issues.

I just never saw the need. I'd rather play the demo on live, buy it and download it or purchase it at the store instead of waiting for the mail , just like I'd rather live stream Netflix instead of do the whole DVDs in the mail.

I'm not paying for a game based off a demo. How can I possibly know if it's worth the 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 dollars off of an hour or two of play? I'd rather pay 20-30 dollars a month and play several dozen games whether they suck or not then waste the same on a game I abhor. Also I don't have the internet required to just download something. I still like mortar and brick stores for goodness sake. Also there is something about an item in the hand.

I never used Gamefly, and I don't think I ever will. I'd rather be on the good graces of a friend and borrow the game from them for free. If I had to pay to rent I'd rather use Redbox to get games rather than pay almost $30 every month for Gamefly. Also, with Gamefly don't you have to wait for the game to ship to you?

I would prefer not rely on my friends not getting tired of me constantly asking to hold this or that. Also I like the large collection available from Gamefly. I also like that for the funds I pay monthly I can get various games -- for instance for a time I was running through up to 12 games a month. And of course the plan you're talking about means you get like 2-3 games out at a time. So even as you're sending a game in you're still playing and the games are coming. Generally speaking it takes a game like 2-3 days to get to and fro from their many centers of distribution.

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