What benefit does gaming have to you?


Mar 20, 2013
And what do your family members or friends think about your gaming habits?

Personally, I find gaming to be a great stress-reliever and it allows me to enjoy plots and characters (particularly in RPGs) interactively, unlike TV shows or movies. My family on the other hand think it's a great waste of time (of course they do) and that there are no benefits whatsoever in using a controller to walk around on a screen.
You know it's funny really. In person, I am one of the coolest and nicest guys on earth, however on Xbox I am totally different. My Xbox friends once said, "Dude, do you punch babies for crying in public places." Of course the answer is no, but I also can't stand the little kids in COD, I call them "Squeakers" and I want to start a YouTube show called "The Squeaking Dead". But like I said outside of gaming, I'm the nicest and coolest person ever.
It's an interesting question. I made a project for college in which I gathered all the scientifically-proven advantages of playing video games regularly.
One of them being the improved eye-hand coordination. You really become more agile and start thinking faster. It improves fast decision-making because in a video game situation you are making constant decisions in high-pressure environments (for example, you learn to react quickly playing FPS games).
Gaming in general is fun. It's cool being able to network with people with similar interests. Plus it's relaxing.
Lots of things and lots of detail, in a nutshell though. Gaming is my safe heaven where even if I'm judged. I'm an individual and I can choose my own gaming path. How you play, want you play, who you play with or what you play on. I see it as another form of art. I mean they've spent a decade working of the next gen consoles. Are you trying to tell me those aren't skilled artists?

As a child, I constantly moved alot. Sometimes I would have any access to other kids or anyone worthwhile to be around. So having lonesome downtime, you grow an appreciation for the reality of the games when the reality of the world isn't at it's best for you.
Gaming has always been a way for me to collaborate with my friends outside of school. My friends and I like to go through phases where we intentionally try WAY too hard on video games, just to receive the priceless reactions from our opponents. These collaborations and funny memories are what I love about gaming.
You know it's funny really. In person, I am one of the coolest and nicest guys on earth, however on Xbox I am totally different. My Xbox friends once said, "Dude, do you punch babies for crying in public places." Of course the answer is no, but I also can't stand the little kids in COD, I call them "Squeakers" and I want to start a YouTube show called "The Squeaking Dead". But like I said outside of gaming, I'm the nicest and coolest person ever.

Interesting point. I think this is true for many gamers as you can take on a whole new personality, especially when playing a game you're really absorbed by. I love to play the bad guys in games as I find it more exciting. In Bioshock for example, those little sisters got it every time, murdering people in Skyrim never gets old, nor does mowing down innocent civilians in GTA.

All part of the fun.
I think games are very helpful to develop your mental strength. If you think about it when you play a game you brain is working in ways it is not used to work so mentally you're becoming more capable. I think it also has to do with the type of games you play. If you play a strategy game you develop some skills and if you play a FPS you're developing different skills.
Gaming isn't just an activity for me; it's a way of life. I play to challenge myself, be immersed in an awesome story/setting, socialize, and relieve stress. My family isn't overly concerned about my gaming habits, but when I was younger, I did get a lot of flak for playing so much. Incidentally, I also went outside a lot, and always had friends.
There's nothing more pleasant than coming home from an stressful day at work and turning own your Xbox to play some video games and calm yourself down. It's really helped me with stress and many other things. Family will always think that gaming (and also many other things we all enjoy) are a waste of time but at the end of the day it's you who makes the decision on what to "waste" your time on.

Luckily, my fiancee loves video games, sometimes even more than and even though she's a Ps3 fan and decided to put her Ps3 on top of my Xbox on the shelf, we love to play video games after a long day at work and it's an activity we both get to do together when we're bored.
Hand-eye coordination, logic and thinking skills, competitive skills, etc. Lots of different benefits of playing games.
Gaming for me is a great stress reliever, after a real busy day i like to just sit down and play some games. Alot of people see it as a waste of time but, according to their logic reading books should be too. Next to the fact that it's a great stress reliever it also gives you a great feeling of accomplishment if you finished an objective. Gaming (the fast-paced kind), does bring certain skills to it, you'll find it alot easier to pick things up in limited time and hand-eye coordination increases with it!
Hand-eye coordination, logic and thinking skills, competitive skills, etc. Lots of different benefits of playing games.
Pretty much this, yeah. It's also, mmm... fun! And it's a stress reliever! Unless you suck at games in which case it might just be frustrating for you.
Most people say it improves your knowledge and reflexes in general, but i think that is bogus. The only thing it has helped me with was teaching me English, because it isn't my native language. Aside from that, it's a great thing to let out some steam, and sometimes getting mad at other people when playing online.
My Xbox is just as important to me as my motorcycle. It brings me alot of joy after a long day of loading and unloading big rigs. I like playing my games on it of course, but it also has other things that I enjoy, such as Netflix, Youtube, and a web browser.
its not what it allows me to do.. its what it keeps me from doing.

it really keeps me from blowing money... race cars,boating,fishing...

not saying i dont spend money on games or a new sytem errrr.... but im quite content on sitting at home and playing a game or netflix ect ect... when i was in a wheelchair/bed ridden it kept me occupied for 2 months... i dont have a giant collection of games and can play them for ever and still get enjoyment...

my other hobbies are very short lived and i tend to go in head first... buy the best rods/reels i can, have the best engine builder build my motor.. i tend to throw money around but with my xbox i tend to enjoy the games i have and am quite picky but buying new and not enjoying.

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