Xbox 360 What do you listen to when you play?


Well-Known Member
Sep 22, 2011
What kind of music do you listen to when you play video games? Do you listen to the game or do you listen to something else? Sometimes I am just not in the mood for the game music so I put on subtitles and listen to podcasts or something.
I'm usually concentrating on the game even if it's kind of mindless. So, I don't normally listen to any other music. Besides, most of the music I like isn't exactly Music To Play Games By.
I listen to what the game is playing. However, I do agree that the music will become boring especially when it is repetitive, which most games have. When I become bored already then I will just mute the game but not play any other music.
I only listen to the game music and sound. I get zoned into the games, I am playing, and turning on other music would distract me.
I've tried to listen to music before, but it's just a distraction. I get so focused on what I'm doing in the game and trying to not die, you can't hear things around you when you have music blasting. I need to hear what I'm doing in the game.
I don't play music often. There is a rule in my house - only 1 electronic at a time. You don't need the radio on when you are gaming. You don't need a gaming console on if you are watching TV. So I don't really listen to music.
Do you make up those rules? I'm sure you could bend them if you really wanted to. :P I think if I was going to listen to any music while playing though, it would have to be that song, "Let the bodies hit the floor". It's a crazy song and it fits my style of gaming.
I sometimes listen to music, but it's always non-lyrical stuff. Something with words in it would distract me too much, I think. Then again, I have the attention span of a Jack Russel Terrier, so...
This might sound crazy, but classical music might work as background music. I read somewhere that a lot of the classical music does something to your heart rate and mood that is good for productivity. I'm sure it would depend on the piece, though.
I can't concentrate at the game if there is music or noise around me. People are different in this regard. I have friends who listen to music on their iPods when playing games, and can focus on the game action and the song lyrics at the same time. I suppose I was not blessed with distributive attention...
I have playlists of different music when I am gaming. What kind of music I listen to has a lot to do with what kind of game I am into and how into the game that I am.
I typically hear the album I'm addicted to at the time and since I listen to a relatively wide range of music it can be of almost any genre including hip hop, metal, etc. Right now I've been listening a lot to Piñata by Madlib and Freddie Gibbs. Good stuff.
i try to stop all distractions especially if I am playing something like call of duty. I try to keep all noise down so that I could get into the zone. Music sometimes help me to get into the zone before I start playing but once I am in game I try to turn it off and focus on the objectives in the game. Simply because I hate losing and I do everything in my power except cheat to win. Music before but not during at all.
Mostly I listen to the games, and the sounds of the people around me while I'm playing. Sometimes though I'll watch something on another screen, like a movie or a documentary if it's a game with a lot of time between actions, like say, Borderlands 2 since it takes a while to get between missions and such.
In a game like Skyrim or Oblivion on my first play through I listened to the ambient sounds with the game music off. When I play it again I play themed music like viking metal/epic heavy metal/epic themed metal for Skyrim (Rebellion's viking trilogy, Manilla Road, Bathory's viking metal albums, White Skull, Immortal, etc.), Alestorm/Running Wild (the original pirate metal band)/Blazon Stone for AC IV. For Fallout I did the same as Elder Scrolls the first time then played post apocalyptic/grim themed metal like some Children of Technology, Toxic Holocaust, Darkthrone, Hellhammer, Warhammer, and Apocalyptic Raids.

Mass Effect I listened to progressive rock, space disco, and synthwave. GTA the radio stations, Brutal Legend I had my own playlist. I liked a lot of what was in the game, but I hated some of the genre labeling.
Electronic music like Crystal Castles or something else if its online. If I'm playing a single player campaign typically no music unless I'm doing grinding in an rpg.
In a game like Skyrim or Oblivion on my first play through I listened to the ambient sounds with the game music off. When I play it again I play themed music like viking metal/epic heavy metal/epic themed metal for Skyrim (Rebellion's viking trilogy, Manilla Road, Bathory's viking metal albums, White Skull, Immortal, etc.), Alestorm/Running Wild (the original pirate metal band)/Blazon Stone for AC IV. For Fallout I did the same as Elder Scrolls the first time then played post apocalyptic/grim themed metal like some Children of Technology, Toxic Holocaust, Darkthrone, Hellhammer, Warhammer, and Apocalyptic Raids.

Mass Effect I listened to progressive rock, space disco, and synthwave. GTA the radio stations, Brutal Legend I had my own playlist. I liked a lot of what was in the game, but I hated some of the genre labeling.

Did your Brutal Legend playlist have a lot of 80s metal in it?
Did your Brutal Legend playlist have a lot of 80s metal in it?

Of course it did. It was mostly 80s metal...but very little glam though. The closest was was pre-Dr. Feelgood Motley Crue and mid-80s post-glam/pre-groove Pantera in there. With Nitro being the only full on glam album in there.

...because Jim Gillette's voice can shatter wine glasses, that's why.

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