Xbox 360 What game system did you play before Xbox?

I grew up on the Nintendo's, Sega, and Sony PlayStation 1 & 2. The Christmas that the Xbox and GameCube came out, I chose the GameCube because I never heard of the Xbox and my cousin had a GameCube with the game SSX or whatever (the snowboarding game) and I wanted it. After I got the Xbox, like a few days... I was at my parents friends house and he had an Xbox and talked my dad into trading in the GameCube for an Xbox. I had a few other games that I can't remember, I think it had the 2 games in one with Jet Set Radio and The Orange Box? And I got Halo 1 and 2. Played the heck out of it. After getting that Xbox, I never played the PS2 again, honestly. I didn't get a PS3 until this year, and I only had it for a couple months and played it once. Traded it in for a new Xbox 360 during the time the Xbox 360 S came out because my disc drive messed up on the other.
Well, I started out with a Nintendo Game and Watch. I eventually made my way up to the NES and eventually to the SNES. Then my parents got me a PlayStation which blew my mind away with awesome games left and right. Then the Dreamcast introduced itself to me. Then the PlayStation 2. I also got an Xbox before getting myself a 360.
I grew up a Nintendo fan boy, with some Sony on the side and a little bit of Sega (before they went kaput). I never owned an original Xbox. My 360 was my first foray into Microsoft-land, save for my hardcore PC gaming (which is what I was focused on just before getting my 360). I will say I like my 360 above everything else I have now.
We had a playstation 2 before we hopped on board with the Xbox. It seemed most of our friends were Xbox fans.

Growing up we had pretty much all the consoles, starting with Nintendo.i think the biggest waste of a console we had was the 3DO. However I loved the Sega CD. I played "Night Trap"'constantly on that thing. Willy Beamish as well.
My first console was the SNES, and I owned an N64 soon after. I also owned an NES, Genesis, PS1, and interestingly, a Sega Saturn before the following gen, when I opted for a Gamecube first, given that Nintendo was on such a hotstreak.
The original Xbox was actually my first console. I never had a console before it. Right now I usually just game on my PC and PS3.

I owned a PSP after my Xbox but never got much into it. I still have it but haven't even touched it since years..haha!
I actually played ps2 because that was the best console at the time with some good games well games at the time of this, like crash bandicute, smash, call of duty 1, 2 not the best but i enjoyed it.
Ohh yeah. I forgot that my best friend and I had a yard sale way back in the day so that we could buy ourselves game gears. Imagine our disappointment when we realized how small that game library was. I think we used the Super NES and the Sega most of all.
Before I purchased my Xbox 360, I had always been a Nintendo fanboy. Every console I owned was from Nintendo- 64, Gameboy, SP, DS, Gamecube. I thought I would try the 360 to play Halo 3 and it was the best decision of my life. Ever since, I don't really play Nintendo games anymore!
Gamecube was what I was crazy about before Xbox. I am sad to say I have not turned the cube on in at least a year and I so loved several of my games on that system.
I've always been primarily a PC gamer and I still remain so now, so I picked up my 360 in between playing my PC. I think at the time I also played my PSP quite a lot if that counts. :D
Other than the consoles listed in my other post, I also attempted to play a friends Atari once. Lets just say I told him I'd stick to Nintendo.
Always been a Playstation man. Hell, I still am. I forget why I got a 360 over a PS3, which kind of saddens me because I really want a PS3, heheh.
Man, I'm about to date myself. In order, this is what I played:

Commodore VIC-20
Atari 1200XL
Sega Genesis/Sega CD/32x
Sega Saturn
Atari Jaguar
Sony Playstation
Sega Dreamcast
Xbox 360
Playstation 3

And I used to be a big PC player, as in haul my rig and 20" CRT to friends houses for all-nighter LAN parties with Quake, Hexen, and Duke Nuke'em, etc:

This will be the first time I only choose one console in a generation. Wife, kids, mortgage, etc: takes it toll on disposable income. Since I am a Microsoft guy at heart, even owning Sony consoles, it's Xbox One all the way.
I used to play the old Play station 2 and yes I don't get why I didn't get a Play Station 3. At the time I liked the Xbox 360 a lot more than the Playstation.
I really enjoyed the Sega. It's to bad we didnt have that many games for it. Sonic, Toe Jam and Earl, and Haunting ( or whatever the green ghost game was called) were my favorites.
My first system was a Playstation 2. I played Teen Titans, Flushed Away and kiddie games like that. Then I grew up and wanted to play Skyrim, so my parents got me a 360 for Christmas. Still use it every day.
Played the Playstation and Playstation 2, but both of them were my friend's, so when i got the Xbox, we were able to experience even more games because we both could play different systems.
I was playing the GameCube and Dream Cast before we got our first Xbox, I miss Dream Cast though... Such an underrated system.
I've always been primarily a PC gamer and I still remain so now, so I picked up my 360 in between playing my PC. I think at the time I also played my PSP quite a lot if that counts. :D

I wish I could get more into PC gaming but it just doesn't do it for me :/.

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