Xbox One What games are you buying with your X1?

Well, I'm definitely buying it at launch, and I plan to get quite a few launch titles:

Watch Dogs: Even though this is cross-gen and I could get it for my X360, I want the nice-graphics and exclusive features :P Of course, the game itself is shaping up to be great, really innovative and specially really diverse and controllable as a sandbox.

Crimson Dragon: This game hasn't been too talked about too much (maybe because of the overwhelmingly silent E3 reveal lol), but I've been waiting for it ever since it was codenamed Project Draco. I was a big fan of the Panzer Dragon series, and I'm really looking forward towards what they can do with the Kinect sensor.

Killer Instinct: Jago is back and Rare is developing it! Enough said.

Ryse: Son of Rome: I'll wait for some reviews to come out, 'cause it actually seems a little too QTE-ish, but if it is even a little bit praised, I'll buy it. Crytek has always been a superb game developer, and though they've had a few missteps in recent years, I still believe their products are way above the average game quality-wise.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: I think Ubisoft is really pushing for this iteration to be a breath of fresh air in the series. I almost gave up on it after the bloated mess AC3 was, but this one seems to be way different. The whole pirate theme seems really cool and new, the open sea exploration will probably be awesome, and from what I've gathered from the trailers Edward actually has a personality (as opposed to Connor who was just an grumpy lump).
Well, I'm definitely buying it at launch, and I plan to get quite a few launch titles:

Watch Dogs: Even though this is cross-gen and I could get it for my X360, I want the nice-graphics and exclusive features :P Of course, the game itself is shaping up to be great, really innovative and specially really diverse and controllable as a sandbox.

Crimson Dragon: This game hasn't been too talked about too much (maybe because of the overwhelmingly silent E3 reveal lol), but I've been waiting for it ever since it was codenamed Project Draco. I was a big fan of the Panzer Dragon series, and I'm really looking forward towards what they can do with the Kinect sensor.

Killer Instinct: Jago is back and Rare is developing it! Enough said.

Ryse: Son of Rome: I'll wait for some reviews to come out, 'cause it actually seems a little too QTE-ish, but if it is even a little bit praised, I'll buy it. Crytek has always been a superb game developer, and though they've had a few missteps in recent years, I still believe their products are way above the average game quality-wise.

Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag: I think Ubisoft is really pushing for this iteration to be a breath of fresh air in the series. I almost gave up on it after the bloated mess AC3 was, but this one seems to be way different. The whole pirate theme seems really cool and new, the open sea exploration will probably be awesome, and from what I've gathered from the trailers Edward actually has a personality (as opposed to Connor who was just an grumpy lump).

That grumpy lump part about Connor just made me laugh! I'm actually one of the few who really liked that game. I've only played 2 and 3 though so not too much experience with the games.
Still not 100% sure yet. Still waiting for some more info on some games.

So far though:

Definite day 1 buy:
-BF4 (60 fps Battlefield? Yeah, I need that)

In the "maybe" pile:
-Fifa 14
-Forza 5
Hey Kerosene, welcome in!!

I have to look over the launch list again. There are games I keep forgetting about like Crimson Dragon and I am assuming Madden 25 will be there at launch though we've not seen any real footage of it yet.
Thanks for letting me know about this place.

I'm always a little leery of EA sports games on next gen consoles. They've been known to remove features the first year of a new gen, although I bet they'll be mostly just ported from the old version.
I have a few
- Battlefield 4
- Fifa 14
- Maybe ghosts
- Assassins Creed

Not very many just the main games.
I plan on getting:

- Watch Dogs
- Ryse: Son of Rome
- Battlefield 4
- Killer Instinct (I will at least try it because it's free.)
- Dead Rising 3

This is only for Launch. I plan on getting a couple of others within the year.
I have Dead Rising paid off and COD, BF4, Watchdogs reserved. I might consider picking up Ryse as well.
Ryse and Watch Dogs for sure initially. I know Ryse hasn't gone down well with most people, but I for one think it looks awesome! I love the game which take place during such historic times.

Other than that I'll probably get The Division and The Crew later on.
I am hoping to get Grand Theft Auto V with my Xbox One on release date. Although I am more than likely to purchase NBA Live 14, because I love sports games even more. I just can't see myself beating a game such as Grand Theft Auto V two times.
I'm definitely getting Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 on Day 1. I'll be on vacation early December, so will probably pick up Ryse, FIFA, and another game or two when I get back.

I haven't forgotten about Sunset Overdrive either, still want to see more of that game.

Down the line I'm definitely getting The Division, the new Fable game, Watch Dogs, and well I guess maybe all of the major titles for sure. lol Destiny is also most likely going to be day 1 purchase (when it releases) for me, I really hope it has split-screen.

I'm also not counting the free titles like Killer Instinct and Project Spark, I'll be playing both of those as well, especially Project Spark.
I've already paid in full for Madden 25, dead rising 3 and call of duty. I plan on asking for battlefield 4 and watchdogs as my Christmas presents from my wife and kids ;)

I also am excited for the division as well!

Free game - project spark I'll be getting as well.
It looks like most of us are in agreement about a few games, so I'll add my name to the list of people purchasing "Watch Dogs", "Battlefield 4", and probably "COD:Ghosts".

I've played every "AC" game, but I have never finished them for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're bad games or anything. But other games capture my attention and I never get back to them. Weird.

Anyway, I'm excited for November!
I was originally pretty excited about Forza 5, but i havent really seen much more material for it.
Maybe its because i haven't looked but it doesnt have the pre-launch hype-up that all the other Forza's had. I am definitely looking forward to Battlefield 4, but can't see myself buying it on the PC AND Xbox One
I am still toiling over the launch list but I think I am definitely these:

Dead Rising 3
Zoo Tycoon

I have enough money for two more games. I just don't know what they are yet. Crimson Dragon and Forza are high on my list.
I am going to get Watch Dogs, Battlefield 4 and Assassins Creed 4 because I loved the game play footage they released and also the previews were pretty good too. Also I usually get Battlefield and Assassins Creed because of the franchise.
I am still toiling over the launch list but I think I am definitely these:

Dead Rising 3
Zoo Tycoon

I have enough money for two more games. I just don't know what they are yet. Crimson Dragon and Forza are high on my list.
Good call on Zoo Tycoon, I keep forgetting about it. The off screen footage I saw of it looked really good.

It looks like most of us are in agreement about a few games, so I'll add my name to the list of people purchasing "Watch Dogs", "Battlefield 4", and probably "COD:Ghosts".

I've played every "AC" game, but I have never finished them for some reason. Don't get me wrong, I don't think they're bad games or anything. But other games capture my attention and I never get back to them. Weird.

Anyway, I'm excited for November!
I will see you online on all those titles. I just sold my PS3 on eBay so I will be paying all my games off by the end of October. I plan on buying COD, BF4, Watchdogs, and DR3 at launch. I also have Fifa and Forrza coming from Gamefly in time for launch.

I've already paid in full for Madden 25, dead rising 3 and call of duty. I plan on asking for battlefield 4 and watchdogs as my Christmas presents from my wife and kids ;)

I also am excited for the division as well!

Free game - project spark I'll be getting as well.
Yup, pretty much same deal for me. I'm excited for project spark, hopefully I get into the beta.

I am hoping to get Grand Theft Auto V with my Xbox One on release date. Although I am more than likely to purchase NBA Live 14, because I love sports games even more. I just can't see myself beating a game such as Grand Theft Auto V two times.
Well GTA won't be available for launch if it's even available in year one. I expect a game of the year addition at some point. I also expect GTA Online to be a free to play game on XB1 since it has micro transactions.

I'm definitely getting Forza 5 and Dead Rising 3 on Day 1. I'll be on vacation early December, so will probably pick up Ryse, FIFA, and another game or two when I get back.

I haven't forgotten about Sunset Overdrive either, still want to see more of that game.

Down the line I'm definitely getting The Division, the new Fable game, Watch Dogs, and well I guess maybe all of the major titles for sure. lol Destiny is also most likely going to be day 1 purchase (when it releases) for me, I really hope it has split-screen.

I'm also not counting the free titles like Killer Instinct and Project Spark, I'll be playing both of those as well, especially Project Spark.

Sunset Overdrive has me intrigued but I need to see actual footage, granted you can't go wrong with Insomniac Games. Destiny and Titanfall have me more anxious than any launch titles.
I will be getting Froza. I am mainly interested in thee Xbox One for its entertainment facilities.

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