What has the eight generation (XB1/PS4) done so far?


Aug 13, 2014
To make itself stand out from the seventh generation of gaming, in the same way the 7th stood out from the 6th, the 6th the 5th, etc.
Not just minor technical improvements, but what are the big steps forward in this generation of consoles so far? I've only recently become a dedicated gamer so I can't really compare that well yet.
I hope I don't catch a lot of flack for this, but at this point, I'm not seeing significant differences between the One and the 360. The few games that are out for the One aren't "light years" better than the last games that came out for 360 before the One was released. Yeah you can voice control the One through the Kinect, but otherwise, I'm not seeing many differences.
you wont see leaps and bound swhen the big aaa games are still multiplatform 360,ps3,xb1,ps4 its in the first year of its life and still is sharing with its older brother.. till the 360 gets support in games cut off we wont see anything new... but at the same time its a semi ground up fresh start kinda thing..

not saying the 8th gen or whatever the xb1 is is a bad deal.. its a great time to get one.. 399 bundles with a game. ea acess is early and will offer more games i think the graphics as of late have started to show how much nicer it is over the 360.. the new madden 15 looks stunning comp to same game in the 360 and looks a solid set above madden25 of last year on the xb1..

i see directx12 really being a cut of point for the 360... it may be the change that Microsoft is waiting for.. and i would think in the few years after that will may see a chip upgrade or ram upgrade on the xb1 but we are talking 4+years away...

basically if you have the money its a good time allot of good games are comming out and from this point on the graphic power will only get better...
I don't know if I'd call the voice commands "awesome" when you have to repeat yourself three to five times to get the One to do anything, ha.
you wont see leaps and bound swhen the big aaa games are still multiplatform 360,ps3,xb1,ps4

I agree with this. Games that are being made for the One are still being made to be compatible with the 360, which kind of "dumbs down" their peak performance/graphic abilities. Wait until the games become One exclusive, then you will really see what the console is capable of.
I don't know if I'd call the voice commands "awesome" when you have to repeat yourself three to five times to get the One to do anything, ha.

promise microsoft is working on that.. but since they are putting the kinect to the side it may be a slower fix than most would like.. i think the fix or patches to kinect would have been a priority when it was a every xb1 bundle thing where the odds were in favor of it getting used by 80+% of the consoles sold.

I agree with this. Games that are being made for the One are still being made to be compatible with the 360, which kind of "dumbs down" their peak performance/graphic abilities. Wait until the games become One exclusive, then you will really see what the console is capable of.

i think its one of the reasons we are having issues with multi cross platform stuff and the higher fps and 900-1080 granted the xb1/ps4 are new and will take some getting use to they are also having to build the game to work on the 360/ps3 i dnt call it dumbed down but more of a stumbling block to get it working well across the board.. look at titanfall it was released months later on 360 and still needed patches.. if developers were only concentrating on the next gen stuff i think we would have better experiance.. its a small industry to begin with let alone spreading out that far across so many platforms.
There comes a point where the improvements a new generation of consoles brings are minor and not a big departure from the last generation. This I think is what's happening right now. For those interested there are new gimmicks (voice control, VR, movement based sensors) but for pure gamers the improvements come at a hardware level meaning that the new consoles can deliver improved graphics and physics with plenty of detail.
While nothing here can really be described as mindblowing, life changing, or a huge improvement, I think it was due time for an upgrade to the next generation. The hardware inside the XBOX360 was very outdated for most of today's games. At least now developers don't have to make such a large difference between the PC and console versions. There is still alot more room for improvement but it kinda brings me down that Microsoft is still tinkering so heavily with their UI and the user experience. Why force Kinect on users when you know the response, and then completely re-tooling that experience?

It just doesn't make sense to me.
I think this generation would be more on the experience of immersion. With VR flying all over the place I think it's going to be it's main guns but as for the gaming aspect alone, well I don't see any other improvements they can make.
No major, amazing improvements yet. Many developers are still creating titles for last and current gen consoles at the same time. When they start working exclusively on current gen, then you'll see some real improvements over the previous generation. The games look prettier in most cases, but we haven't seen groundbreaking developments yet for these consoles.
The eight gen is still fairly young so it's hard to really say that the consoles have done anything impressive so far. Perhaps in a year or two when both companies get in on VR that we'll see significant things done not possible with last gen.
It's not about what they have done so far, it about what are they capable of doing in future. I see most of the PCs are already so much powerful than both current-gen consoles. Thee is not even a comparison.
і thіnk іts оnе оf thе rеаsоns wе аrе hаvіng іssuеs wіth multі сrоss рlаtfоrm stuff аnd thе hіghеr fрs аnd 900-1080 grаntеd thе хb1/рs4 аrе nеw аnd wіll tаkе sоmе gеttіng usе tо thеу аrе аlsо hаvіng tо buіld thе gаmе tо wоrk оn thе 360/рs3 і dnt саll іt dumbеd dоwn but mоrе оf а stumblіng blосk tо gеt іt wоrkіng wеll асrоss thе bоаrd.. lооk аt tіtаnfаll іt wаs rеlеаsеd mоnths lаtеr оn 360 аnd stіll nееdеd раtсhеs.. іf dеvеlореrs wеrе оnlу соnсеntrаtіng оn thе nехt gеn stuff і thіnk wе wоuld hаvе bеttеr ехреrіаnсе.. іts а smаll іndustrу tо bеgіn wіth lеt аlоnе sрrеаdіng оut thаt fаr асrоss sо mаnу рlаtfоrms.
It's not about what they have done so far, it about what are they capable of doing in future. I see most of the PCs are already so much powerful than both current-gen consoles. Thee is not even a comparison.

True, we tend to be unfair when comparing this generation of consoles with the last one. Last gen had plenty of time to develop and reach new heights in gaming while this one is just beginning. Plus, now that last gen has 'ended' we can see the whole picture, something that'll have to wait for the current one since it has all the future ahead.
As you say, the Playstation IS more popular and Microsoft is doing all it can to at least try and stay in the race as here in the UK and especially in Europe, the Playstation as outsold the Xbox for quite a while now.

I'm not sure that Microsoft can afford to slow down, and I think any other company might have conceded defeat by now and it's only because Microsoft are so big and have unlimited funds to pump into the Xbox series that they're still going in the first place.
The frame rates are what really needs to improve for us to have a chance at being at least in the same discussion as PC. The graphics have gotten insanely better but frame rates are still a joke compared to PC.
Microsoft's largest market is North America, and they're almost tied with PlayStation 4 over here as far as sales go. I think as long as they stay relevant on this side of the world they'll continue doing what they're doing.
Well that is kind of boring to hear that they are tied in sales like @GunGunW mentioned above, but I guess it makes sense. They are basically the same, and I know some people might fight me over that, but let's be real. That said, it would seem that this little run is close to over, but you would like to think that it left a lasting legacy in some way.. Not sure quite how, but there is probably something there.
Well, I do not really think there have been too many differences, what I do really believe is that prices have increased a lot compared to the old ones, however, I would like to say that a lot of important facts have changed, from the controllers and the case design to the graphics and all that sort of thing, I do not really think how far technology is going to go, I think they've done pretty much anything that could be possible, we'll just have to wait and look at them do their thing.

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