Xbox One What has you the MOST excited?

TV integration is definitely exciting and a big deal for junkie, too, so it's a very good thing. I like the option of multitasking, too.
I'm excited since it's a new console. It's been years of constant use with the Xbox 360, and a new console is well needed. The other features such as TV,kinect, etc. are nice as well, but the fact that there's finally going to be a new console makes it so much better. I mean, most of the time change is good.
Besides the games? I don't know, the console is all about games, I might give the other features a try, the only thing good about them is that I'll get to play games and let my mom talk on skype lol.
To be honest if I only wanted video games, I would probably get the PS4, but I wanted more than just games and only the Xbox One offers that.

I look forward to the TV integration, snap dual windows, smart glass app, NFL extras, hands free control, kinect non gaming features and so on.