Xbox 360 What is the longest gaming session you've ever had?

The longest gaming sessions I have ever had was years ago back when I did not have so many responsibilities. I would have gaming sessions lasting more than 15 hours. The longest I have ever reached was 20 I think.
I am someone that finds it hard to simnply stop playing even after many hours has passed and I'm gettign bad eye strain. The longest I have gone playign an Xbox game is probably about 5 hours straight. This time period would be a lot longer though if it was to include short breaks away from it. Forza is the game I've spent so long on playing.
When I don't work or study, I can play for 8-10 hours. Not only games for the Xbox, but also MMOs and different games for PC.
Nowadays I can't afford to waste 8 hours playing video games. Really wish I could do it though.
I don't remember the exact numbers, but a particularly degenerate session had me playing on my laptop from when I awoke all the way until a few hours after sun set. I didn't even eat, I just sat there on the laptop clicking. The game was Magic Workstation, and I still have a problem with it to this day.
I've probably managed close to 10 hours playing Forza online with some buddies. When you're drifting with you're friends, it's hard to take your eyes off the screen unless you really need to go to the bathroom. I don't do it anymore though.... I just sit infront of my computer now.
16 hours of Civilization V. Gandhi nuked my capital in the end.

What did you do to piss off Gandhi? When I played the other Civilization games he rarely went to war with my country even after occasionally threatening it. Games like Civilization, Dungeon Keeper, the Movies, and so on are ones I miss sitting down and sinking time into. Games like those are great because in action games you keep playing just to see where the story goes next, but a strategy game you're playing to see where your planning and strategic alliances pan out, what develops, how allies or enemies grow or degrade and so on.
When Deus Ex: Human Revolution first came out, I spent around 12 hours going through it. Just exploring every part of Detroit and its buildings was a blast. I usually do play for over 10 hours, but I just couldn't put the controller down. It was really one of the best games I've played.
I dunno, does eating (breakfast, lunch, dinner) count? Because when I got Persona 4 Golden for my Vita I played non-stop except for eating and going to the bathroom.
I think 10 hours. It was a strategy game where you start a civilization from scratch and you reach the information age, engage in wars with other countries etc. I can't remember the name though.
Non-stop gaming only, so getting up to take a ten minute break doesn't count. If you had to stop to use the bathroom, or get a drink/snack, then fair enough, but stopping for half an hour to cook or eat a meal doesn't count as a single session.

Personally, the best I've ever managed is about 9 hours, starting at 9am in the morning and ending at 6pm when I finally had something to eat. I'd not long had Tales of Vesperia, and the story was starting to get interesting - my brother and I couldn't tear ourselves away from it.

Sadly, I haven't had long periods of time of late to play games, so I haven't pulled off any marathons of that magnitude for a while.

Nonstop gaming? I'd say about 12 or 13 hours on a rainy Saturday or Sunday when the wife was out of the house. ;) Truth be told, I probably played longer than that, but then at some point I had to stop, cook, and eat, ha.
I once played for a week straight, with very short brakes for food water and sleep. The game was Spellforce (PC game), and after I was done and finished the game, I remember watching a football game with my dad. Believe it or not, all the players had swords in their hands. I am telling you, games mess with your head in a big way! (That doesn't mean I will stop playing them :D )
Games mess with your dreams too. Couldn't tell you how many times I've jumped awake because I kept getting chests that had the magic whistle (all of them) and the angry sun that just wouldn't stop following me.
Finishing CoD 4 campaign from start to finish and throwing in some multiplayer battles every now and then for good measure.

Lasted from 9am - 7pm! 'Twas a great experience
I remember playing World of Warcraft from 6AM-4PM with (somewhat) limited breaks, that was pretty crazy. I had a blast but I sure felt it later on haha, on a Xbox I once went 1-25 on a Modern Warfare game in one sitting, either Modern Warfare or Modern Warfare 2.
I can only play for a few hours at a time, maximum. Much more than that and I wind up with a terrible headache. I guess I'm getting old. LOL. the kids can play for hours, though.
26 hours when GTAV came out. I planned it out for weeks, took 3 days off of work, had a large pizza all for myself, 5 monsters, I was all set. The only time I ever got up was to use the bathroom. I probably could have went longer if my 360 wasn't overheating.
For me, it had to be Final Fantasy VII (7). Me and my best friend played that game for like three days straight with no sleep, it was the longest I've ever stayed awake in my life and it actually took me a good week to recover lol!
I can't remember the time, but I know I've played Minecraft for hours and hours to the point daybreak actually hit and I hadn't slept.
Minecraft will eat up time. The first time I played it I played for a long ass time, man.
Boy, Minecraft chomps up time but just the PC version. On 360 I've spent less time on it. Speaking of 360, Skyrim and COD were the time hogs.

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