What kind of headset do you use?

The Turtle Beach x12. The mic recently broke, but it's still doing its job. A decent headphone, but my PC headphones are better.
I use the Astros A40. For my Xbox and PC gaming. And yes, they are 250$ xD Really expensive, but worth it for high quality gameplay for my streaming and pro plays xD
Turtle Beach PX21's. I used these until last week when they broke. They have great sound but such terrible build quality. Easy to break swivel design.
I also have the Turtle Beach X12. Excellent sound quality for both game and chat. The only downside is that the mic picks up *everything*. The party gets to hear any background noise in the house...
I'm a turtle beach kind of guy but since my turtle beach headset got damaged I resorted to using the normal xbox wireless headset. I don't mind at all but I would really prefer my turtle beaches due to the fact that I'm used to them and I really miss them.
I use Turtle Beach x41's and love them! I hope they work with the next generation of Xbox, Infinity. Will be really annoyed if I have to purchase a new headset, this thing cost me a fortune!
I am using a pair of USB Headset H390 from Logitech, that has given to me by a good friend. They are really good in terms of quality and for the low price of nothing, i can't really complain.
Oh man you have to go major and go with the Astro A40. The sound is ridiculously crisp and rich. This is like the beats by dre for headsets in my opinion. My girlfriend had bought them for me a couple months as a gift and now I wish i could hook it up to my t.v so i could have a little bootleg surround sound action. it's amazingly comfortable I haven't used many high-end headsets but I have used some Turtle Beach headphones and the only way my A40s pale in comparison is the microphone. The microphone for me is a bit of a problem because I have to yell for a regular XBOX mic to pick up my voice(I guess the frequencies I produce are troublesome for mics?) and the Turtle Beach headsets have microphones that can pick my voice up whispering, this I have to talk considerably louder than average.
I currently use the Astro A40. The Astro headset is the best headset I have ever bought. At first, I thought that everyone was over exaggerating how good they are. Trust me, they aren't. The customer service is absolutely brilliant. I'm very rough with my headsets and eventually they broke badly. I called the support and they were absolutely cool with giving me another A40. I recommend to anyone to get a Astro headset for the Xbox one as soon as possible. It's completely worth the price and service is amazing.
I had a TB headset (XL1 i think) but the wiring in the ears went after about 6 months!

Bought another headset for about £15 (Gioteck EX-05) about 9 months ago, and they're just as good as the TB!
I have a Turtle Beach X32 wireless. Second Turtle Beach headset I've owned, first wireless. By far, better than Triton. Went from Turtle Beach to Triton, and went straight back to the Turtle Beach. Triton Headsets barely pick up your voice, have to scream into them pretty much and the quality is horrible. Not a headset for me.
For awhile (until about a week ago) I had been using the Steelseries Siberias that allow for connection to the PS3/360. However, as they have just died on me (RIP). I started using a pair of Sound Blaster Tactic 3D Recons, with the converter that came with my Siberas and... holy crap. I am absolutely blown away by them. The sound quality, the MIC quality(from what I've been told) is absolutely amazing. They're also pretty cheap compared to most headsets, but you have to buy the converter which makes them comparable to a few of the Turtle Beach headsets, but I would swear on these over the TB's any day of the week.
Turtle Beach X11s. I considered upgrading, but with the next consoles being right around the corner, I'll wait a while. It would be hard for me to play certain games without a headset that plays game audio now.
Lets keep this productive headset alive. Anyone like wireless over wired?
I have a Gioteck Ex-05, it's not the greatest thing ever but I did buy it in a supermarket on impulse. The best thing about it is that it works on the Xbox 360, PS3 and PC because it has a USB and Red/White cables, so I can use on headset for multiple devices and it works great.
I've been using my BOSE headset for gaming. The funny thing about it, I literally found them on the bus. No, I didn't steal it if that's what you think lol. They were just literally sitting there on the bus. Nobody was on the bus but me at all. And it was brand new even. It didn't even have a receipt so I could at least try to find the person that bought it. So basically, I had no way of giving it to whoever lost it. So I figured why not keep it.

And it's a good thing I did because they're even better than my old Turtle Beach ones
I have the one that came with my system and I find it adequate, but my son has a Turtle Beach headset and says he likes it better. I guess to each their own, as long as it works, right?
I have the Tritton Primer wireless headset for Xbox. It was only $99, decent amount for it's quality. They help me greatly when playing any Call of Duty game, especially MW3. I've had them for almost a year and frankly i'm surprised that it still functions well. The regular Microsoft headset only lasted me for 5 months before breaking in half.
I have Turtle Beach XP 400s. I've had them for a while, they were actually a birthday present from my wife and I love them! The sound is crisp and clear and 7.1 surround. I also use them on my PS3 and to watch TV when my son is sleeping. Best of all they connect to my phone so that I can take incoming calls while gaming without interrupting gameplay; they actually auto level the volume when I'm on the phone. The sound is connected via Optical so I can use them on my XBOX ONE for surround and once the adapter comes out I'll use them for voice, till then I'll use the one that comes with the console for chatting.

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